Independence of NRAs: Regulators' Responses to the Commission's Public Consultation
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31 October, 2013
Regulators' Responses to the Public Consultation on the Independence of the Audiovisual Regulatory Bodies The Public Consultation on the Independence of the Audiovisual Regulatory Bodies launched by the European Commission in March 2013 closed at the end of June 2013....
Young People and Media - outcome of Belgian CSA assessment
posted on
29 October, 2013
Young People and Media - outcome of Belgian CSA assessment On 24 October 2013, the Regulatory Authority of the French speaking Community of Belgium (CSA) published a study entitled "Baromètre jeunes" (Young People’s Barometer) analysing the image and...
On-demand Services: Made in the Likeness of TV?
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22 October, 2013
On-demand Services: Made in the Likeness of TV? The European Audiovisual Observatory published recently in its IRIS plus 2013-4 the article entitled: On-demand Services: Made in the Likeness of TV? by Francisco Javier Cabrera Blázquez analysing the difficulties...
Conference of Council of Europe Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society
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21 October, 2013
Conference of Council of Europe Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society The Council of Europe is organising - with Serbia as the host - the Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society on the theme: “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND...
REFRAM meets in N’Djamena and publishes activity report for 2012-2013
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17 October, 2013
REFRAM meets in N’Djamena and publishes activity report for 2012-2013 The REFRAM, the network of French speaking regulatory authorities, met on 14-15 octobre 2013 in N’Djamena, Chad, for its third general assembly to address the issue of the governance of...
Regulators' Responses to the HLG Report on Media Freedom and Pluralism
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15 October, 2013
Regulators' Responses to the HLG Report on Media Freedom and Pluralism The Public Consultation on the Independent Report from the High level Group (HLG) on Media Freedom and Pluralism launched by the European Commission in March closed at the end of June 2013. The...
Ofcom reports on disabled consumers’ use of communications services
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26 September, 2013
Ofcom has published its most comprehensive study into disabled consumers’ use of communications services. The research shows that younger disabled people are taking advantage of the benefits of being online. Among the youngest age group (15-34), levels of internet...
Digital Radio: Ofcom unveils 2013 Report
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25 September, 2013
On 25 September Ofcom has published its Digital Radio Report for 2013 as part of the Digital Radio Action Plan announced by the Government in July 2010. In the report ‘digital radio’ is used in its broadest sense to include all platforms and technologies that...
First Country Ranking of Community Media in Europe
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12 September, 2013
The Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE), an international non-profit organisation which provides a common platform for networks, national federations and projects active in the "third media" sector, has completed the first Country Ranking of Community Media in...
Ofcom publishes its 10th Communications Market Report
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01 August, 2013
Ofcom’s 10th Communications Market Report, which was published on 1 August 2013, reveals that people are still coming together to watch TV in the living room with 91% of UK adults view TV on the main set each week, up from 88% in 2002. However, people are increasingly...
Council of Europe addresses role of regulators on gender equality in the media
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31 July, 2013
On 10 July 2013, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted a Recommendation on gender equality and media. In its preamble, the recommendation emphasises that: Gender equality is an indispensable condition for the full enjoyment of human rights; Genuine...
Short extracts: French CSA consults on the implementation of new rules
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23 July, 2013
On 17 July 2013, French broadcasting regulator Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) opened a public consultation on the implementation of recently introduced rules concerning the broadcast of short extracts of sports events. The new rules were set by a decision...
Assessing PSB funding: Irish regulator publishes recommendations
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22 July, 2013
On 18 July 2013, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has published recommendations in respect of the required levels of funding for the public service broadcasters (PSBs), TG4 and RTÉ, over the next five years. The recommendations are based on a 248 page report...
EIGE reports on gender equality in decision-making in media organisations
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11 July, 2013
Advancing gender equality in decision-making in media organisations, EIGE Report On 21 June 2013, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) published a report entitled "Women and the Media - Advancing gender equality in decision-making in media...
What Future for DTT Platforms: French Ministry opens a consultation
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10 July, 2013
The Direction générale des médias et des industries culturelles (DGMIC) of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication launched on 2 July 2013 a public consultation on the future of DTT platforms, further to the work currently conducted by the French...
Update on media freedom issues: new report of the OSCE - RFOM
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20 June, 2013
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, delivered her regular report on the status of media freedom within the OSCE region to the OSCE Permanent Council on 13 juin 2013, three months after she was re-elected for a second mandate. The 36 pages report,...
Macedonia completes analogue terrestrial switch off
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20 June, 2013
As planned, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia switched off the analog terrestrial television signal on 31 May 2013, at midnight after a five-year period of simulcasting. The two regulatory authorities in charge, the Broadcasting Council and the Agency for Electronic...
Irish BAI issues revised Rules on Food Advertising to Children
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07 June, 2013
The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has issued on 4th June 2013 revised versions of its General and Children’s Commercial Communications Codes. The Codes have been updated to include rules on commercial communications for High Fat, Salt and Sugar (HFSS) food...
Ofcom reports on children’s increased exposure to alcohol advertising on TV
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28 May, 2013
On 24 May Ofcom published a report on children’s and young people's exposure to alcohol advertising, which shows that the average number of alcohol adverts seen by children per week has increased significantly from 2.7 in 2007 to 3.2 in 2011. The research looks at...
Standard Settings for Media Freedom: European Parliament adopts Resolution
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21 May, 2013
On 21 May, the European Parliament approved the initiative report of Romanian MEP Renate Weber (PNL, ALDE) on the EU Charter by adopting a resolution on standard settings for media freedom across the EU. The resolution calls on Member States and the Commission to take...
Belgian CSA publishes study on representation of homosexuality in the audiovisual media
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17 May, 2013
On the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia, the CSA of the French speaking Community of Belgium has published the outcome of its first assessment of stereotypes related to the sexual orientation in radio and TV broadcast content. The CSA has been monitoring...
Accessibility: Ofcom's proposals to improve the quality of subtitling
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17 May, 2013
On 17 May, Ofcom has published proposals for consultation aimed at improving live subtitling to provide a better viewing experience for people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing in the UK. While pre-prepared subtitling is generally of a good quality, viewers have made clear...
European Commission consults on rapidly converging audiovisual market
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25 April, 2013
The European Commission adopted on 24 April 2013 a Green Paper inviting stakeholders and the wider public to share their view on issues related to the rapid convergence in the audiovisual market and growing importance of the connected television in Europe. The changes in the...
ECHR rules that ban on paid political advertising in the UK justified
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23 April, 2013
The European Court of Human Rights held on 22 April 2013, by nine votes to eight, that there was no violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights in the case of Animal Defenders International v. the United Kingdom. The case...
Irish BAI launches Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs
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12 April, 2013
The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has launched on 9 April 2013 a Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs. The Broadcasting Act 2009 requires broadcasters to ensure that all news broadcast is presented in an objective and impartial...
Ofcom publishes updated rules on party political and referendum broadcasts
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02 April, 2013
On 21 March 2013, Ofcom published updated rules on party political and referendum broadcasts (PPRB Rules). The revision of the rules was preceded by a consultation carried out by Ofcom between November 2012 and January 2013. The review of the PPRB Rules was related to recent...
New chairperson for Dutch CvdM
Marcel Betzel (CvdM - NL)
posted on
27 March, 2013
Prof. Dr. Madeleine de Cock Buning, commissioner at the Commissariaat voor de Media (CvdM) since July 2009, has been appointed chairperson of the Dutch regulatory authority CvdM as of 1 April 2013 by the State Secretary of Media Affairs. In addition to her work for the CvdM,...
Measuring Diversity on Television - Outcome of French and Belgian assessment for 2012
posted on
26 March, 2013
The French and Belgian (French-Speaking Community) regulatory authorities have recently published the outcome of their assessment of diversity in television broadcast content for the year 2012. The objective of the research was to assess the perception of diversity in...
Independence of Audiovisual regulators: Commission launches public consultation
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22 March, 2013
Pursuant to the 30 policy recommendations contained in the report of the High Level Group (HLG) on Media Freedom and Pluralism, which was made public on 21 January 2013, the European Commission launched two public consultations on media freedom and pluralism and on the...
Protection of minors in Romania: CNA launches public hotline
posted on
21 March, 2013
The National Audiovisual Council of Romania (NAC) launched a new public hotline number where cases of violation of the protection of minors in the field of television broadcasting may be reported. The free of charge hotline was launched as a result of a debate organised by...