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EPRA Statement of Strategy

posted on 28 October, 2016 13:56 , last updated on 05 July, 2024 16:48   (public)

EPRA Statement of Strategy


The EPRA Strategy for 2024-2026 "Inspire, share, strengthen" was adopted by the community of EPRA members by written procedure ending on 12 April 2024.

The EPRA Strategy for 2024-2026 is composed of three parts:

  • the introductory section provides background, context and highlights the challenges for the media regulators as well as for EPRA as a platform for cooperation
  • the second section sets out the Vision, Mission and Values Statement,
  • the third part lists the three Strategic Objectives for the period 2024-2026

In addition, the Action Plan, which is annexed to the Strategy,  presents the key actions and deliverables that the EPRA Executive Board has planned to put the goals and objectives into practice.