
Archiving Scheme: Irish BAI unveils successful applications

posted on 05 November, 2013   (public)

Archiving Scheme: Irish BAI unveils successful applications

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) announced on 4 November 2013 an award of funding totalling €1.5 million to seven successful applicants under the first round of the new BAI Funding Scheme for the Archiving of Programme Material.

BAI established this Archiving Scheme in May 2012 to provide funding support for archiving television and radio programme material which will contribute to the preservation of Ireland’s broadcasting heritage. The Scheme is financed through a percentage of the Broadcasting Fund, derived from the TV licence fee.

The BAI opened the first round of the Archiving Scheme and sought applications for projects for the archiving of programme material with the specific objective of the preserving of historic records of Irish culture, which are threatened by fragile physical condition or existence on a soon-to-be obsolete format. The Archiving Scheme is open to broadcasters, advertisers and institutions capable of carrying out work on archiving materials considered to be of value to the State.

Funding Scheme for the Archiving of Programme Material

List of the successful applicants and the amounts awarded

BAI Press Release

Source: BAI website
