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Useful Links

posted on 19 January, 2012 17:47 , last updated on 24 July, 2019 15:46   (public)





>> NGOs







  • DG Connect: Communications Networks, Content and Technology DG (DG Connect). Provides general information on mission and priorities, who is who by directorates, links to dedicated spaces on linkedIn, twitter, facebooks and blogs.(replaced the Information Society DG in 2012).

  • Digital Single Market  Provides an overview on the strategy of the Commission regarding digital opportunites for people and business and the position of the EU on the world stage. It contains the approach for supporting media and digital culture. See also the Thematic portal for Creative Europe (successor of Media Programme) 

  • Policies on Supporting media and digital culture Provides infiormation and links to the AVMSD Directive, thematic areas such as the protection of minors or Audiovisual Commercial Communication, the Contact Committee, ERGA etc.

  • See also the Thematic portal Copyright and Related Rights

  • Mariya Gabriel website - Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Newsroom, agenda, press releases, speeches.

  • Competition DG Deals with antitrust, mergers, liberalisation, state aid and international issues. Contains inter alia national competition legislation of EU and EEA countries, other competition sites worldwide, the EC Competition Policy Newsletter 

  • "Merger Cases" - Website Merger cases appear on this website of the Competition DG when they have been notified. The press release is available on the site once a merger case decision has been adopted and announced by the Commission. The website and published decisions can be searched by case number, company name etc.

  • State aid - website  A useful tool: the weekly State Aid e-News presenting the latest developments in the area of State aid. It features information on new legislative texts and proposals, decisions of the European Commission and the Courts of the European Union and other state aid-related documents and events.

  • State aid Register - Search tool See also the  search tool in State aid Register which provides information on and access to all State aid cases that have been the object of a Commission decision since January 2000.

  • Internal Market DG Provides information on internal market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.



  • (Court of Justice of the European Union) Presents the latest decisions since 17 July 1997 which can be searched with a search engine. Basic rules of the Court, press releases and other information are also available.



  • The EP website contains a comprehensive news section, information about the organisation and powers of the Parliament, information about MEPs, about recent activies (sessions, committees...), EP live (webstreaming and programmes).



  • The Council's website provides general information; a newsroom facility; contacts ; information about the Constitution; public register of Council documents; policies.



  • CORDIS (Community Research & Development Information Service) EU funded research (calls for proposals, programmes, partner search facility), databases and web services (news, partners, projects, programmes, documents...), news and research & development related links.

  • EU Glossary  Contains some 220 terms relating to European integration and the institutions and activities of the EU



  • Council of Europe Contains a news section; information about institutions and organs of the Council of Europe; the Secretariat and its mission; the activities of the Council by area and a useful A-Z index.

  • European Court of Human Rights: Contains general information about the Court, the list of pending cases, of scheduled public hearings, the list of judgements and their effects, all basic texts, press releases.

  • OSCE - Representative on Freedom of the Media  Observes media developments in all 56 OSCE participating States. The Representative provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and promotes full compliance with OSCE press freedom commitments. You may find press releases, presentations and reports pertaining to freedom of media issues.

  • UNESCO / Communication and Information Sector    The Communication and Information Sector consists of the Communication Development Division, the Division for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace and the Information Society Division. The Sector also provides the secretariats for two intergovernmental programmes: the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) and the Information for All Programme (IFAP). Theprincipal objectives of the programmes are promoting the free flow of ideas and universal access to information, promoting the expression of pluralism and cultural diversity in the media and world information networks and promoting access for all to ICTs.



  • CMDS - Center for Media, Data and Society:  a research center of the Central European University in Budapest dedicated to advancing media and communication scholarship and policy and the democratic potential of the media. The CMDS produces scholarly and practice-oriented research addressing academic, policy and civil society needs. CMDS research and activities address media and communication policy and the democratic potential of the media, civil society and participation, fundamental communication and informational rights, and the complexities of media and communication in transition.

  • CERRE - Centre on Regulation in Europe: this think tank, composed of major European energy, IT, media, telecom and transport companies, as well as national regulatory agencies and university centres, provides studies and dissemination activities such as seminars or workshops. Its sector on media holds dedicated events and provides a newsletter.

  • Erich Pommer Institut (EPI)  organises seminars and workshops for media professionals. Very useful is the Legal Basics Database (, which gives an overview on National and European Media Laws both in original and English language.

  • ECREA - European Commission Research and Education Association; established in 2005 as a merger of the two main European associations of communication researchers, the European Communication Association (ECA) and the European Consortium for Communications Research (ECCR). The Communication Law and Policy Section aims to provide a forum for the debate and analysis of past and current policy directions in the field of media and communication.

  • FSR - Florence School of Regulation (European University Institute of Florence) The Communications and Media Area of the Florence School of Regulation has been  established in autumn 2009. Its objectives are: providing state-of-the-art Training (mainly for officers from EC, Regulators and Sponsors); producing analytical and empirical Research about regulation and competition of Communications & Media sectors; promoting informed discussion of key policy and regulatory issues, through regular series of Policy Events

  • Hans-Bredow-Institute for Media Research  Institute for media research of the University of Hamburg, Germany. Its fields of study cover: media policy and media system, media law, media organisation and media industry, media use and media effects, and media content. The quarterly published "Recent Media Developments" is also available on this site. Comprehensive list of links related to media research, broadcasting and telecommunication authorities, broadcasters and press, online media and others.

  • ICRI - Interdisciplinary Centre for IP & IT Law  : a research centre within the Faculty of Law at the Leuven University in Belgium. It comprises three different research teams which deal with Information Technology Law, Electronic Communications Lax and Legal Informatics/Information Retrieval. In each of the three fields, the ICRI carries out research, consultancy and educational activities.

  • International Institute of Communications (IIC) Research on new communication technologies and their commercial, cultural and political impacts among policy-makers, regulators, academicians, content providers, technologists and industrialists. Regularly organises a Broadcasting and New Content Policy Forum, about controversial issues in the digital age and a Telecommunications Forum. "Intermedia" (Quarterly published, only by subscription).

  • Institute of European Media Law (EMR) Provides a newsticker, links concerning media law, background information concerning meetings etc.

  • Institute for Information Law (IViR): part of the Faculty of law of the University of Amsterdam. Its activities include research in the field of information law, training of research assistants, organizing conferences and symposia, practical training and the maintenance of a specialised library.

  • Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research (Nordicom): Publications, databases, media statistics, UNESCO Clearing house on children and violence on the screen.

  • Programme in Comparative Media Law & Policy (PCMLP): Examines the processes of restructuring media and telecommunications structures from various perspectives; provides a framework for understanding the background, mechanisms, and prospects of the processes of media restructuring; and helps providing a new generation of scholars and policymakers with a sharpened comparative insight into the problems of adjustment of technology to society.





  • Article 19  A human rights organisation with a specific mandate and focus on the defence and promotion of freedom of expression and freedom of information worldwide. 

  • Association of European Journalists    Across Europe, the AEJ brings together individual journalists through their membership of the national sections. The AEJ was set up in 1962 to promote European harmony and to defend the freedom of information and freedom of the press in Europe. Most activities of the AEJ are arranged by the sections at national level. However, one of the aims of the international association is to create links between individual journalists; to exchange contacts, information and ideas. Media Freedom in Europe is one of the main subjects for the AEJ.

  • Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE)  The CMFE is a common platform for networks, national federations, radio/televevision stations and projects active within the third media sector. On the one hand, it enables the participating organisations to bring up their concerns on a European and international level and, on the other hand, it represents a channel through which European institutions can spread information on relevant questions to CMFE participants.

  • Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)    A nonprofit group of lawyers, technologists, volunteers, and visionaries working to protect human rights and civil liberties in the digital world. 

  • Internews   Aims at improving access to information for people around the world. Its programmes include: training journalists and media professionals, supporting independent radio and TV stations, promoting an open and accessible Internet, promoting liberalised telecommunications policies, supporting fair media laws and policies, facilitating improved health and conflict reporting.

  • Open Society Institute (OSI) A private operating and grantmaking foundation that implements a range of initiatives to promote open society by shaping government policy and supporting education, media, public health, and human and women's rights, as well as social, legal, and economic reform.

  • Press Now   Supports independent media in conflict regions and transition countries, with the aim to promote the development of open and democratic societies.

  • South East Europe Media Organisation - SEEMO: A South East European network of editors, media executives and leading journalists, dedicated to freedom of the press and improving the standards and practices of journalism.

  • South East European Media Observatory: A regional partnership of civil society organisations aimed at enhancing media freedom and pluralism, and influencing media reforms in the countries of South East Europe.

  • The South East European Network for Professionalization of the Media - SEENPM:  Created in 2000 with the aim to raise journalism standards, improve media environment on the national and regional levels, encourage cooperation among media professionals, and to contribute to the mutual understanding and stability in SEE region. SEENPM unites 18 media centers and institutes from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia.

  • World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) AMARC is an international non-governmental organisation serving the community radio movement, with almost 4 000 members and associates in 130 countries. Its goal is to support and contribute to the development of community and participatory radio along the principals of solidarity and international cooperation. All continents are represented on AMARC's International Board of Directors.



  • EJLT - European Journal of Law and Technology  a refereed open access journal focusing on issues of law and technology in a European context. 

  • Le Blog du Centre de Documentation du CSA (Belgium)  highlights recent news in the field of communication, news are searchable through a tag system, free-of- charge subscription to newsletter, provide links to other media blogs

  • Méta-Media is an online collective blog run by the French public service broadcaster France Télévisions which focuses on digital trends around fake news, virtual reality or artificial intelligence. Its newsletter provides the latest digital news.



  • AVMSD Database: the EAO provides a free accessible database with the measures taken by each Member State in order to implement the AVMSD and their English translation - See more at:

  • EFARN Film Research Library: European Audiovisual Observatory and European Film Agencies Research Network free of charge database on research reports and statistics on film industry

  • IRIS Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the European Audiovisual Observatory: reports monthly (free of charge) on the most important legal developments for the audiovisual industry in more than 50 countries.

  • LUMIERE: European Audiovisual Observatory free of charge database on admissions of the films released in European cinemas since 1996

  • LUMIERE VOD: European Audiovisual Observatory free of charge database of European films available on pay-video on-demand services (transactional and subscription VOD). It provides a list of films available at a given moment from a sample of on-demand services active in the EU. This project, managed by the European Audiovisual Observatory, is supported by the CREATIVE EUROPE programme of the European Union. 

  • MERLIN: European Audiovisual Observatory free of charge database on legal developments relevant to the audiovisual sector

  • MAVISE: a free access database on television channels and on-demand services and licences in 41 European countries and Morocco managed by the European Audiovisual Observatory and supported by the CREATIVE EUROPE programme of the European Union. The main resource is a collaboration with EPRA and its network of European audiovisual regulatory authorities.



   List of links of the European Audiovisual Observatory:  an extensive list of useful links.

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