DTT in Europe in 2012: Trends and Developments
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12 March, 2013
the European Audiovisual Observatory, based on figures from the Yearbook 2012 and the MAVISE database, has published a press release highlighting the salient trends and developments of digital terrestrial television in Europe in 2012. According to the Observatory: 22 - out...
Live Internet streaming of free-to-air channels may be prohibited: CJEU Judgment
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10 March, 2013
Further to a request for a preliminary ruling on the interpretation of Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) held on 7 March 2013 that TV...
Gender Equality: REFRAM awards pilot project to Moroccan HACA
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08 March, 2013
Further to the internal call for tender for a pilot project in favour of gender equality launched in October 2012 by the Francophone Network Media Regulators (REFRAM), the jury unanimously selected the project presented by the HACA, the Moroccan regulator on 8 March 2013. ...
OSCE Representative on Freedom of Media Dunja Mijatović reappointed
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07 March, 2013
Picture credits: OSCE/Curtis Budden On 7 March 2013, the 57 OSCE participating States unanimously agreed to reappoint the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to a second three-year term. Dunja Mijatović was appointed...
Social media: A first analysis by the French CSA
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26 February, 2013
The Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA), the French regulatory authority in charge of broadcasting, published on 19 February 2013, a first analysis of the phenomenon of "social TV," which focuses on the delimitation of its scope, its development,...
Processing complaints: Refram publishes toolbox
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05 February, 2013
On 29 January 2013, the Network of French-speaking media regulatory authorities (REFRAM) published a toolkit on how to process complaints - a mission at the core of the daily work of regulatory authorities. It is intended to help members of the network by providing them...
Jürgen Brautmeier appointed new Chair of German DLM
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31 January, 2013
As of 1 January 2013, the chairmanship of the Conference of Directors of the Media Authorities (DLM) was taken over by Dr. Jürgen Brautmeier for a term of two years. The DLM, which is composed of the legal representatives of the media authorities in Germany, acts...
A new chairperson and two new members for the French CSA
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24 January, 2013
Mr Olivier Schrameck has officially been appointed as chairman of the French regulatory authority, the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA), as of 24 January 2013. He was nominated by French President François Hollande and replaces Michel Boyon for a 6...
High Level Group reports on Media Pluralism
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23 January, 2013
On 21 January 2013, the High Level Group on Media Freedom on Pluralism convened by the European Commission delivered a 51 page report entitled A free and pluralistic media to sustain European democracy. On the basis of hearings and the analysis of recent research and studies...
Protection of minors on VOD: Ofcom fines Playboy
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16 January, 2013
On 16 January 2013, Ofcom imposed a fine of £100,000 on the service provider Playboy TV/Benelux Limited for failing to protect children from potentially harmful pornographic material. Two on demand programme services (ODPS) owned by Playboy (Playboy TV and Demand Adult)...
Belgian CSA reports on New Media
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11 January, 2013
On 11 January, the CSA of the French Community of Belgium published a report on "new media" (web TV, web radio, VOD, SVOD, catch-up TV and radio, etc). The 72 pages document provides a snapshot of the sector of new media by looking at the consumption of new...
EPRA co-organises MEDIADEM's final conference
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07 January, 2013
In the wake of the success of the joint public workshop between EPRA and Cullen International on regulatory aspects of Connected TV held in May 2012, EPRA will be one of the co-organisers of another public event - together with the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign...
Ofcom's 7th International Communications Market Report published
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13 December, 2012
On 13 December 2012, Ofcom published its seventh International Communications Market Report. The report examines the availability, take-up, price and use of TV, radio, broadband, telephone and postal services. The aim of the report is to benchmark the UK communications...
Regional TV beyond regional coverage: consultation of Swiss OFCOM
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11 December, 2012
On 4 December 2012, the Federal Office of Communications of Switzerland (OFCOM) launched a public consultation on a draft law that would enable the licensed regional TV stations to transmit their programmes digitally outside their regional coverage areas. The public would be...
Protection of minors on VOD: Ofcom fines Strictly Broadband Limited
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10 December, 2012
On Friday 7 December 2012, Ofcom imposed a financial penalty of £60,000 (GDP) on Strictly Broadband Limited in respect of its on-demand programmes service, provided through its website, “Strictly Broadband”. Between 31 May - 1 August 2012 users of the...
Belgian CSA assesses compliance of non-linear TV services with legal obligations
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03 December, 2012
On 27 November 2012, the CSA of the French speaking Community of Belgium published its assessment on how non-linear television services complied with their legal obligations in 2011. The CSA assessed how four video-on-demand services fulfilled their obligations with regard...
Access of VOD services to people with disabilities: ATVOD report
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29 November, 2012
On 28 November 2012, ATVOD (the independent co-regulator for the editorial content of video on demand services in UK) published its report on the accessibility of VOD services for people with disabilities of sight or hearing. The report is based on the ATVOD's annual...
Consultation on the review of the Ofcom rules on political broadcasts
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23 November, 2012
On 19 November 2012, Ofcom opened a consultation on the review of the Rules on Party Political and Referendum Broadcasts and on the Guidance for broadcast coverage of elections. The review of the Rules is related to recent amendments of the Communications Act, requiring the...
A new Board for the Belgian CSA
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22 November, 2012
On 8 November 2012, the Government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation appointed for a five-year mandate four new members of the Board of CSA of the French community of Belgium. Dominique Vosters was appointed as Chairman of CSA. He replaces Marc Janssen. The mandates of...
Protecting children in the digital world: European Parliament report
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20 November, 2012
On 20 November 2012, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on Protecting children in the digital world. The adopted report, prepared by Silvia Costa, highlights three main elements in terms of protecting minors in the digital era: education on new media, digital...
EPRA represented at the AMARC Forum on the Future of Community Radio
posted on
15 November, 2012
On 12-13 November 2012, the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC Europe), in partnership with the Center for Media and Communication Studies of the Central European University and the Hungarian Federation of Free radios, organised a workshop on ...
Video sections of newspaper websites & AVMS: Swedish RA decisions
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09 November, 2012
On 29 October 2012, the Swedish Broadcasting Commission (SBC) decided in four cases that video sections on newspaper websites were to be considered as audiovisual media services under the Swedish Radio and Television Act. The cases concerned websites of newspapers ...
Baltic regulators met in Riga
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05 November, 2012
On 11 October 2012, the representatives of Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Swedish regulatory authorities met in Riga to share their experience and to discuss practical questions related to media regulation. The Baltic regulators' meeting takes place every year...
Towards a convergent NRA in France? CSA's contribution
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31 October, 2012
In the context of a consultation launched by the Prime Minister during summer, the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel, (CSA), published its contribution on the envisaged merger between CSA and ARCEP, the two French regulatory authorities in charge of broadcasting...
FICORA publishes market review on audiovisual content services in Finland
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29 October, 2012
On 26 October 2012, The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA) published a market review on the audiovisual content services. The review looks at the different ways how Finns watch audiovisual content, and is based on the data reported by operators and on the...
SEE Digi.TV: outcome of second international conference
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24 October, 2012
On 18-19 October 2012, the Post and Electronic Communications Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (APEK) held the 2nd international conference of the SEE Digi.TV project in Ljubljana. The event gathered more than 90 participants from regulatory authorities, TV and electronic...
Digital TV switchover completed in Ireland and UK
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24 October, 2012
On 24 October 2012, Ireland and the United Kingdom turned off the analogue television signal. Now the television services in both countries are fully digital. In Ireland, the old TV network was replaced by a free-to-air digital terrestrial television service Saorview,...
CMFE publishes first mapping of Community Media in Europe
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24 October, 2012
On 22 October 2012, the Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE), an international non-profit organisation which provides a common platform for networks, national federations and projects active in the "third media" sector, unveiled the outcome of its mapping exercise of...
On-demand services: Ofcom publishes consumer research results
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23 October, 2012
Ofcom published results of the consumer research commissioned from the Essential Research Ltd on 23 October. The aim of the research was to explore consumer attitudes and behaviour in relation to on-demand audiovisual services and to help Ofcom understand which services are...
Digital Radio - Outcome of French consultation on standards for digital terrrestrial radio
posted on
22 October, 2012
Following a public consultation on standards for digital radio launched in April 2012 to seek the views of stakeholders, the French Minister of Culture and Communication published a summary of the responses to the consultation on 11 October 2012. The consultation...