Sound & Vision II Scheme: Irish BAI unveils successful projects
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22 May, 2014
Sound & Vision II Scheme: Irish BAI unveils successful projects The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) announced on 20 May 2014 the list of projects funded from the Sound & Vision II Scheme. A funding total of €5.136 million has been allocated to 29 TV...
Access services: Ofcom’s first report on the quality of live TV subtitles
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12 May, 2014
Access services: Ofcom’s first report on the quality of live TV subtitles On 30 April 2014, Ofcom published its first report relating to the quality of live TV subtitles provided by broadcasters in the UK. Subtitles are used by over a million people with hearing...
New Edition of Ofcom's Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes Report
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07 May, 2014
New Edition of Ofcom's Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes Report Ofcom has published, on 29 April 2014, its Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes Report 2014, which provides detailed information concerning media use, attitudes and understanding among adults (aged 16...
Green Paper on Convergence: European Parliament highlights key policy guidelines
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25 April, 2014
Green Paper on Convergence: European Parliament highlights key policy guidelines On 12 March 2014, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on “Preparing for a fully Convergent audiovisual World” as a response to the eponym Green Paper on Convergence...
Latvian regulator issues temporary ban to Russian TV channel Rossiya RTR
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10 April, 2014
Latvian regulator issues temporary ban to Russian TV channel Rossiya RTR On 3 April 2014 the National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia decided to restrict the rebroadcasting of television channel Rossiya RTR on the territory of Latvia for a period of three months...
CoE Regional Conference looks at Indicators for Independence of Regulatory Bodies
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08 April, 2014
Council of Europe Regional Conference looks at Indicators for the Independence of Regulatory Bodies The Council of Europe under the Project “Promoting freedom of expression and information and freedom of the media in South-East Europe (SEE)” organised a regional...
Inaugural Meeting of the ERGA
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12 March, 2014
Inaugural Meeting of the ERGA (Article updated on 20 March with a link to the ERGA Rules of Procedures) The inaugural meeting of the Group of European Regulators for audiovisual media services (ERGA) took place on 4 March 2014 at the European Commission's...
When law meets practice: EBU study on the legal regime of Article 10 ECHR and public service media
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25 February, 2014
When law meets practice: EBU study on the legal regime of Article 10 ECHR and Public Service Media The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has recently entrusted a study concerning public service media under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to...
Advertising for e-cigarettes: waiting for a legal framework
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12 February, 2014
Advertising for e-cigarettes: France is waiting for a legal framework The French audiovisual regulator (“Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel”) was recently faced with advertising spots or product placement for electronic cigarettes. Not being in a...
New EU group of regulators of Audiovisual Media Services established
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11 February, 2014
New EU group of regulators of Audiovisual Media Services established On 3 February 2014, the European Commission adopted a formal Decision establishing a group of national regulators in the broadcasting area: “the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media...
Accessibility: ERC defines TV broadcast obligations vis-à-vis viewers with special needs
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05 February, 2014
ERC defines television broadcast obligations vis-à-vis viewers with special needs - Multi-year plan approved The Regulatory Board of ERC, the Portuguese Media Regulatory Authority, approved on 2 January 2014 the multi-year plan of obligations to allow television...
French CSA report warns about extremely unequal representation of female sport in the media
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04 February, 2014
French CSA report warns about extremely unequal representation of female sport in the audiovisual media A recent report of the French audiovisual regulator (“Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel”), which was published on 31 January 2014, warns about...
Ofcom reports on strategies of parental protection for children online
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27 January, 2014
Ofcom reports on strategies of parental protection for children online On 15 January 2014, Ofcom, the converged regulator in the UK, published a report on the safety of children on the Internet which takes stock of the current situation regarding children’s use of the...
eur§reg 2014 in Zurich
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27 January, 2014
eur§reg 2014 in Zurich The internet enriches media markets with new players and business models. The audiovisual world has also gone global. What are the implications? Are we headed for a limitless audiovisual market? Are barriers to free trade needed to preserve social...
Belgian CSA reports on audiovisual sector
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24 January, 2014
On 11 January, the CSA of the French Community of Belgium published a report on "new media" (web TV, web radio, VOD, SVOD, catch-up TV and radio, etc). The 72 pages document provides a snapshot of the sector of new media by looking at the consumption of new...
On-demand services: French CSA advocates simpler and more flexible rules
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23 January, 2014
On-demand services: French CSA advocates simpler and more flexible rules On 23 December 2013, the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA), the French regulatory authority in charge of broadcasting regulation, published a report on the first year of application of...
Reform of the independence of the public audiovisual sector - Reinforced powers for the French CSA
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15 January, 2014
Reform of the independence of the public audiovisual sector - Reinforced powers for the French CSA On 31 October 2013, the French National Assembly adopted the new legislation on the independence of the public audiovisual sector. The main purpose of these...
Ofcom publishes International Communications Market Report 2013
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13 January, 2014
Ofcom publishes International Communications Market Report 2013 On 12 December 2013, Ofcom, the converged regulator in the UK, published its eighth International Communications Market Report. The report examines the availability, take-up, price and use of TV, radio,...
Prospects for commercial DTT in Ireland - BAI review published
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09 January, 2014
Prospects for commercial DTT in Ireland - BAI review On 7 January 2014, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) published the findings of a review undertaken regarding the future prospects for the licensing of commercial Digital Terrestrial Television further to Section...
Polish regulator decides to establish Digital Library of Public Media
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29 November, 2013
Polish regulator decides to establish Digital Library of Public Media On 18 November 2013, the National Broadcasting Council of Poland (Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji) and 19 public media companies signed a letter of intent establishing the Digital Library of Public...
EU Council stresses need for reinforced cooperation between independent regulators
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28 November, 2013
EU Council stresses need for reinforced cooperation between independent regulators The Council of the European Union, which gathered on 25 - 26 November 2013 in Brussels in its Education, youth, culture and sport configuration, adopted key Conclusions on media freedom and...
Major Events: Report submitted to the Swedish government
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25 November, 2013
Major Events: Report submitted to the Swedish government On 15 November 2013, the Swedish Broadcasting Authority (SBA) submitted a Report on a List of designated events considered to be of major importance for society to the government. In February 2013, the SBA was...
French CSA launches TV campaign on protection of minors
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22 November, 2013
French CSA launches TV campaign on protection of minors As of 20 November 2013, a new media campaign on the protection of minors was launched on French television channels. The campaign was initiated by the French Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA). TV...
Gender Equality - CoE Strategy refers to image and participation of women in media
posted on
21 November, 2013
Gender Equality - CoE Strategy refers to the image and participation of women in media refers also to the image and participation of women in media - See more at:...
Three new Resolutions adopted at CoE Ministerial Conference
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14 November, 2013
Three new Resolutions adopted at CoE Ministerial Conference The Council of Europe, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, organised in Belgrade on 7 - 8 November a Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and...
Representation of women in media - outcome of Catalan regulator's assessment
posted on
14 November, 2013
Representation of women in media - outcome of Catalan regulator's assessment The Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (CAC) published in April 2013 a detailed Report on the representation of women on television. The report is based on the analysis of different types of TV...
Television news channels: A European Overview
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08 November, 2013
Television news channels: A European Overview The European Audiovisual Observatory published on 6 November a new report on the TV news market in Europe covering 38 countries. The report provides an overview of the types of channels both national and international, the...
Media Literacy: German LfM reports on 2012/13 activities
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05 November, 2013
Media Literacy: German LfM reports on 2012/13 activities On 31 October 2013, the Media Authority of Northrhine Westphalia (LfM) published the Media Literacy Report for 2012/13. The Report offers a comprehensive overview of the promotion activities carried out in the field of...
Archiving Scheme: Irish BAI unveils successful applications
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05 November, 2013
Archiving Scheme: Irish BAI unveils successful applications The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) announced on 4 November 2013 an award of funding totalling €1.5 million to seven successful applicants under the first round of the new BAI Funding Scheme for the...
Digital TV switchover completed in Hungary
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04 November, 2013
Digital TV Switchover completed in Hungary On 31 October 2013, Hungary turned off the analogue television signal. The television services are now fully digital. Hungary had been in a phase of simultaneous broadcasting since October 2012. The North-Western and South-Eastern...