REFRAM meets in Portorož at the eve of EPRA meeting
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30 May, 2012
On the eve of the 35th EPRA meeting and with the support of the International Organization of la Francophonie, the seven broadcasting regulators that are also members of REFRAM, the network of French speaking media regulatory authorities, met on 29 May in Portorož (Slovenia)...
Pan-European Forum on Media Pluralism and New Media: Brussels, 27 June
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22 May, 2012
The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn (UK), University of Leuven (Belgium) and the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (Italy) are organising the Pan-European Forum on Media Pluralism and New Media. The event will take place on June 27 at the premises of the...
Consultation on revision of Swiss Radio and Television Act
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16 May, 2012
The Federal Council of Switzerland has opened a consultation procedure concerning the revision of the Radio and Television Act. The partial revision of the Act focuses on the replacement of the current reception fee by a universal radio and television fee. Today, when smart...
First report on the application of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
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07 May, 2012
The European Commission today presented a report on the application of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). This is the first application report on the AVMSD and covers the period 2009-2010. The first part of the report looks retrospectively at the...
Study on the implementation of the AVMS Directive - Promotion of European works
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07 May, 2012
The European Commission today published the Study on the implementation of the provisions of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive concerning the promotion of European works in audiovisual media services. The study provides an analysis of national legal measures...
New audiovisual media services under the jurisdiction of Luxembourg
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07 May, 2012
The Conseil national des programmes (CNP), the regulatory authority in Luxembourg, has been informed by the Department of Media and Communications of the Government that the following audiovisual media services now fall under the jurisdiction of the Grand Duchy: Broadcast...
Freedom of press : OIF calls for vigilance
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02 May, 2012
On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, celebrated on May 3, Mr. Abdou Diouf, Secretary General of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF), states that the legal guarantees and effectiveness of freedom of press have improved in a number of French-speaking...
Irish BAI publishes Ownership and Control Policy (2012)
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27 April, 2012
The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) published its new Policy on the ownership and control of broadcasting services on April 26. The policy reflects the contents of the BAI Strategy Statement 2011-2013 and the legislative provisions of the Broadcasting Act 2009 which...
French CSA consults on short extracts of sport events
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18 April, 2012
On 17 April 2012, the Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA), the French regulatory authority, has launched a public consultation on the right to make available to the public, by way of electronic communication, short extracts of sport events’...
COE Recommendations to protect human rights on search engines and social networks
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16 April, 2012
The Council of Europe adopted two Recommendations on the protection of human rights, notably freedom of expression, access to information and the right to private life, with regard to search engines and social networking services on 4 April 2012. The Committee of Ministers...
Irish BAI consults on draft general and children's commercial communications codes
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04 April, 2012
The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has launched a public consultation on a new Draft Children’s Commercial Communications Code and a new Draft General Commercial Communications Code on 30th March 2012. Under existing rules, commercial communications which are...
AVMS scope: Recommendation of Belgian CSA
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30 March, 2012
In order to ensure full legal certainty for market players - notably on the internet - with regard to legal provisions which may be applicable to them and with the view of providing a level playing field, the CSA of the French Community of Belgium adopted a ...
Ofcom - Adults: media use and attitudes report published
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29 March, 2012
Ofcom, the UK’s independent communications regulator, has today published its latest report on adults’ media use and attitudes. The report covers the use and attitudes of UK adults across the key platforms of the internet, television, radio, games and mobile...
French CSA selects six new HD channels for DTT network
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28 March, 2012
Further to the call for tenders of 18 October 2011 with the view of launching of six HD channels on the DTT network, the Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA), the French regulatory authority, has selected, on 27 March 2012, the...
Protection of Minors & Media Convergence: Report of French CSA
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27 March, 2012
The French CSA (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel) has just published a report on the protection of minors in the era of converging audiovisual media and the internet. The report was prepared at the request of Mrs Claude Greff, Secretary of State for...
Ofcom invites contributions to its review of its Designation of ATVOD
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26 March, 2012
Ofcom is inviting contributions to its review of its Designation of ATVOD (the Authority for Television on Demand) as co-regulator of editorial content included in video-on-demand (VOD) services. The Designation, which came into force in March 2010, is subject to formal...
Political advertising - ECtHR hearing in the case of ADI v. United Kingdom
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08 March, 2012
The European Court of Human Rights ECtHR held a Grand Chamber hearing on 7 March in the case of Animal Defenders International v. the United Kingdom. The case concerns the complaint by a non-governmental organisation that it has been denied the possibility to advertise on TV...
Digital Radio: Belgian CSA publishes outcome of public consultation
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24 February, 2012
On 14 February 2012, the CSA of the French Community of Belgium, published a summary of the answers they received on the occasion of their public consultation on terrestrial digital radio in order to reflect on the variety of the points of view but also on the concensus...
CICA Declaration on the need for independent regulators in the field of broadcasting
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20 February, 2012
The Iberian Conference of the Audiovisual Councils (CICA), which convened in Barcelona for its annual meeting on 6 February 2012, made a public statement on the need for independent regulatory authorities in the field of broadcasting. The statement recalled that broadcasting...
Adoption of the first Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP)
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17 February, 2012
On 15 February 2012, the European Parliament agreed upon the common position of the Council allowing for the formal adoption of the first Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP). The RSPP establishes a five-year policy programme with the aim to promote efficient radio...
CoE Declaration and Recommendation on the Governance of Public Service Media
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16 February, 2012
In a Declaration and a Recommendation adopted by its Committee of Ministers on 16.02.2012, the Council of Europe urged its member states to renovate the governance framework of public service media in order to adapt to the new communication environment. The Appendix to the...
World Radio Day
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13 February, 2012
13 February is a date proclaimed by UNESCO to celebrate radio broadcast, improve international cooperation among radio broadcasters and encourage decision-makers to create and provide access to information through radio, including community radios. It’s an occasion to...
Danish Radio and Television Board opens new proceedings in Roj TV case
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09 February, 2012
On 10 January 2012, the Copenhagen Municipal Court delivered a verdict in the case vs. ROJ TV and Mesopotamia Broadcast A/S, METV. The court ruled that ROJ TV and Mesopotamia Broadcast are in violation of the Penal Code's provisions about terrorism. More...
Irish BAI consults on Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs
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02 February, 2012
On 1st February 2012, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has launched a public consultation on a Draft Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs. The draft code sets out the underpinning principles and a range of more specific rules...
MEDIADEM case study reports: Does media policy promote media freedom and independence?
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01 February, 2012
14 case study reports discussing the policy processes and the regulatory tools that have a bearing on the development of free and independent media have been published by MEDIADEM. MEDIADEM (European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing & Reclaiming Free and...
Protecting audiences in the era of convergence and Connected TV : Ofcom Research
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25 January, 2012
On 25 January, Ofcom, the UK communication regulator, published new research which explores viewers’ attitudes to content regulation, as online and traditional broadcast TV services converge, especially with the development of Connected TV. In addition, Ofcom Chief...
Ofcom's 6th International Communications Market Report published
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15 December, 2011
Ofcom’s annual International Communications Market Report was published on 14 December. This is Ofcom’s sixth International Communications Market Report into the global communications market, and it looks at take-up, availability and use of broadband, landlines,...
Slovenia transposes AVMS Directive
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06 December, 2011
After years of failed attempts to reform the media laws, Slovenia has finally got the act transposing the AVMS Directive into the national law. The adoption of the Act on Audiovisual Media Services, which entered into force on 17 November 2011, was crucial due to the...
INDIREG study on independence of regulators published at last
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15 November, 2011
The long-awaited final version of the study on "Indicators for independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media services regulatory bodies for the purpose of enforcing the rules in the AVMS directive" was published on 14 November 2011. This very...
EU Commission establishes a high-level group on freedom and pluralism of the media
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11 October, 2011
On 11 October 2011, the European Commission announced the creation of an independent high-level group which will draw up a report for the respect, protection, support and promotion of media freedom and pluralism in Europe. The group convened by Neelie Kroes will be chaired...