Irish BAI launches Sound & Vision III Scheme
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05 February, 2015
Irish BAI launches Sound & Vision III Scheme The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has announced on 3 February 2015 a new Broadcasting Funding Scheme, Sound & Vision III. The scheme will see up to €24 million in funding being made available to television...
Two new members for the French CSA
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29 January, 2015
Two new members for the French CSA On 26 January, the President of the French Republic appointed two new members of the French Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA): Nathalie Sonnac, who was nominated by the head of the National Assembly. She is inter alia...
A new Code of Programme Standards for the BAI
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29 January, 2015
A new Code of Programme Standards for the BAI The Broadcasting Act 2009 requires the Irish regulator, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), to prepare codes and rules, and to review the effect of such codes and rules in accordance within specified timeframes....
Protection of Minors: Norway adopts platform independent legislation
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06 January, 2015
Protection of Minors: Norway adopts platform independent legislation During a second reading which took place on 15 December 2014, the Norwegian Parliament adopted a new law on the protection of minors against harmful content in audiovisual programmes. The Ministry of...
Digital Radio Switchover envisaged for 2024 in Switzerland
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16 December, 2014
Digital Radio Switchover envisaged for 2024 in Switzerland By 2024 all radio programme services are to be broadcast only digitally in Switzerland, mainly on DAB+ platforms. This is the goal of the radio industry, which will cease analogue VHF (FM) broadcasting of its...
Protecting Audiences in an online world, a new Ofcom commissioned research
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09 December, 2014
Protecting Audiences in an online world, a new Ofcom commissioned research On 4 December 2014, Ofcom published the outcome of recent research conducted by Kardar Media, which deals with audience views of protections for audiovisual content delivered across different...
Measuring Plurality: Ofcom's call for inputs
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18 November, 2014
Measuring Plurality: Ofcom's call for inputs Ofcom has recently been requested by the Secretary of State to develop a measurement framework for media plurality. On 30 October 2014, Ofcom invited stakeholders to provide their input on how best to measure media plurality....
Second ERGA meeting: focus on regulatory independence
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27 October, 2014
Second ERGA meeting: focus on regulatory independence The European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA) met in Brussels for the second time under the Chairmanship of Mr. Olivier Schrameck, President of the French CSA, on 21 October 2014. ERGA adopted a ...
CoE Committee of Ministers will not resume work on the revision of the ECTT
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21 October, 2014
CoE Committee of Ministers will not resume work on the revision of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television On 23 September 2014, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe informed that “(it) has not allocated any resources to work on the European...
EPRA meeting in Tbilisi: Presentation of the Georgian Media Regulatory Landscape
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15 October, 2014
EPRA meeting in Tbilisi: Presentation of the Georgian Regulatory Landscape On the occasion of the 40th EPRA meeting in Tbilisi on 8-10 October 2014, Mr. Ivane Makharadze, Head of the Broadcasting Regulation Department at the Georgian National Communication Commission...
Ofcom: Children and Parents Media Use and Attitudes Report 2014
posted on
09 October, 2014
Ofcom: Children and Parents Media Use and Attitudes Report 2014 The Ofcom published on 9 October 2014 its annual Children and Parents Media Use and Attitudes Report. The Report examines children’s use of different media and communications, and the role parents play in...
Ofcom: Digital Radio Report 2014
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26 September, 2014
Ofcom: Digital Radio Report 2014 On 25 September 2014 Ofcom published its annual Digital Radio Report for 2014 as part of the Digital Radio Action Plan announced by the Government in July 2010. The report covers availability, take-up, listening patterns and attitudes towards...
German media authorities publish Digitisation Report 2014
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24 September, 2014
German media authorities publish Digitisation Report 2014 The Medienanstalten, the organisation that brings together German media authorities, published, in September, their Digitisation Report for 2014, which presents the tenth analysis of the digitisation of broadcast...
Tunisian HAICA publishes Guide for journalists covering the election campaign
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22 September, 2014
Tunisian HAICA publishes Guide for journalists covering the election campaign The Tunisian regulatory authority, Haute autorité indépendante de la communication audiovisuelle (HAICA), published, on 22 September 2014, a Guide for journalists covering the...
Green Paper on Convergence: Commission publishes long-awaited summary of replies
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19 September, 2014
Green Paper on Convergence: Commission publishes long-awaited summary of replies The long heralded - and long awaited - Summary of the replies to the Public Consultation on the Commission Green Paper on Convergence has been published by the European Commission on 12...
Irish BAI unveils successful projects funded from the 21th round of the Sound & Vision II Scheme
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17 September, 2014
Irish BAI unveils successful projects funded from the 21th round of the Sound & Vision II Scheme The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) announced on 16 September 2014 the list of projects funded from the 21th package of the Sound & Vision II Scheme. A funding...
Spanish CNMC fines Mediaset España Comunicación S.A. EUR 111,000
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15 September, 2014
Spanish CNMC fines Mediaset España Comunicación S.A. 111,000 € On 12 September 2014, the Spanish National Authority for Markets and Competition (CNMC) has fined Mediaset España Comunicación S.A. EUR 111,000 for failing to separate editorial...
French CSA reports on female stereotypes in TV programmes
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11 September, 2014
French CSA reports on female stereotypes in TV programmes In July 2014, the French CSA published three studies on female stereotypes in audiovisual programmes. Further to the French law on gender equality, the CSA has the duty to monitor the image of women in audiovisual...
Towards a new regulation of audiovisual media during election campaigns in France?
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10 September, 2014
Towards a new regulation of audiovisual media during election campaigns in France? On 8 September 2014, the French Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA) published a Report on the regulation of audiovisual media during the three election campaigns of the first...
Belgian CSA organises local radio weekend event
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05 September, 2014
Belgian CSA organises local radio weekend event The Belgian Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA) on the occasion of the 100 anniversary of radio and with the support of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, is organising a local radio event « Studio...
EU Kids Online publishes its recommendations for policy regarding children’s use of the Internet in Europe
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04 September, 2014
EU Kids Online publishes its recommendations for policy regarding children’s use of the Internet in Europe The EU Kids Online, a thematic research network funded under the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme has published in early September a ...
Radio spectrum: European Commission presents HLG Report on future use of UHF band
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03 September, 2014
Radio spectrum: European Commission presents HLG Report on future use of UHF band On 1 September, Vice-President of the European Commission Neelie Kroes presented a Report by former Commissioner Pascal Lamy on how to use the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) spectrum (the 700...
Ofcom publishes its 11th Communications Market Report
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26 August, 2014
Ofcom publishes its 11th Communications Market Report Ofcom’s 11th Communications Market Report into the UK’s TV, radio, broadband, telecoms and postal industries, published on 7 August 2014, reveals that a 'millennium generation' of 14 and 15 year olds...
Ofcom fines Discovery Channel £100,000
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16 July, 2014
Ofcom fines Discovery channel £100,000 On 16 July, Ofcom has fined Discovery Communications Europe Ltd £100,000 for broadcasting unsuitable and violent material on TV before the watershed. Under Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code, all licensees must protect...
Over 3,000 on-demand audiovisual media services now on offer in the EU
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16 July, 2014
Over 3,000 on-demand audiovisual media services now on offer in the EU A new report edited by the European Audiovisual Observatory on On-Demand Audiovisual Markets in the European Union has been published on 10 July by the DG Connect of the European Commission. The report,...
Council of Europe regional seminar adopts key indicators on Independence of NRAs
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30 June, 2014
Conclusions from the Council of Europe Regional Meeting “Defining specific indicators for establishing and monitoring the transparency, responsibility and operational efficiency of media regulatory bodies”, which was held on 4 June 2014 in , Budva, Montenegro,...
Andalusian regulatory authority announces awards promoting media literacy at schools
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19 June, 2014
Andalusian regulatory authority announces awards promoting media literacy at schools The Audiovisual Council of Andalusia (CAA) announced, on 6 June 2014, the first edition of the Audiovisual Andalusian Award aiming at promoting media literacy at schools in the year...
Access Rules: Irish BAI opens consultation on Rules for 2014-2018
posted on
16 June, 2014
Irish BAI proposes changes to Rules on Television Subtitling, Sign Language & Audio Description The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) launched on 26 May 2014 a public consultation on proposed changes to the Rules governing the levels of subtitling, sign language...
French CSA study on viewing figures for television fiction in major European countries
posted on
06 June, 2014
French CSA analysis on audience figures for TV fiction in major European countries in 2013 On 2 June 2014, the French Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA) published an analysis summarising the viewing figures for fiction television programmes in major...
French CSA Report on the representation of diversity in television and radio broadcast content
posted on
05 June, 2014
French CSA Report on the representation of diversity in television and radio broadcast content On 23 May 2014, the French Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA) published its Report on the representation of diversity in the French society in television and...