
Sweden: Press Subsidies Council becomes part of the Broadcasting Authority

posted on 15 June, 2015   (public)

Sweden: Press Subsidies Council becomes part of the Broadcasting Authority

As of 1 July, the Press Subsidies Council (Presstödsnämnden) will cease to exist as a separate agency and its functions transferred to the Swedish Broadcasting Authority (Myndigheten för radio och tv). The merger is a consequence of a decision of the Swedish Parliament on 20 May 2015. Applications for press subsidies shall be examined by a special decision-making body within the Swedish Broadcasting Authority, the Press Subsidies Council.

The Press Subsidies Council is a government agency that aims to preserve the diversity of the newspaper market. It distributes the State’s subsidy to the daily press according to the Statute of Annual Press Subsidies (1990:524), follows and analyses the development within the newspaper market and published facts about newspaper circulation in Sweden.

Source: Website of the Swedish Broadcasting Authority
