The Ofcom published on 9 October 2014 its annual Children and Parents Media Use and Attitudes Report. The Report examines children’s use of different media and communications, and the role parents play in overseeing them. This report contributes to Ofcom's duty to promote and to carry out research in media literacy.
According to the Report:
One in three children in the UK has their own tablet computer, which has nearly doubled in a year.
The popularity of the tablet could be contributing to the declining number of children with a TV set in their bedroom; this has decreased the past five years from 66% in 2009 to 46% in 2014.
Children aged 5-15 spend more time watching TV every week (14.6 hours) than doing any other media activity, although there has been a decrease since 2013 when it was 15.4 hours.
Nine in ten parents whose children go online are taking steps to help their children manage risks when using the internet; over half of parents use some kind of technical tool to manage online risks.
To help to understand more about parental controls Ofcom jointly developed a website ParentPort and published a range of guides helping parents to manage their children’s access to digital media.