Building on the successful series of stories published in 2010 and 2015 as part of a national prevention campaign to highlight the dangers of digital life, the Swiss regulator OFCOM has released 12 new comic strips to address issues such as ‘fake news, sexting, bullying, image rights, the influence of social media, data protection’ and the dependence on smartphones.
Conducted by various Swiss federal agencies, OFCOM and the Swiss Crim Prevention, the comics follow the adventures of the Websters family and aim at promoting awareness among the population and especially young people of risks and dangers related to the daily use of information and communication technologies.
Credits: Illustrator: Matthias Leutwyler / Design: Digital Switzerland Business Office of OFCOM / Publisher: OFCOM
Published in print and digital format with tips and useful information for each story, they are available for free in German, French, Italian, Romansh and English and intend to provide guidelines for teachers, parents and grand-parents.