Yerevan - WG II: Case Study on Editorial vs. Advertising Content - ERGA's opinion on the AVMS proposal; Reference document
posted on
11 Oct, 2016
ERGA's Opinion on the proposal of the Audiovisual Media Service Directive [ERGA (2016)03]; additional Reference document that may be discussed during Working group II: Case Study on Editorial vs....
Nuremberg - WG2 "Product Placement" - Summary of the discussion by Johanna E. Fell, BLM
posted on
02 Dec, 2015
Summary of the discussion by Johanna E. Fell, BLM for WG2 "Product Placement" which took place at the 42nd EPRA meeting on 29 October 2015 in Nuremberg
Portoroz - Plenary 2: The Future of Commercial Communications - Introduction
posted on
24 May, 2012
Introductory document to session 2 on the Future of Commercial Communications by Maria Donde, Ofcom (UK) and the EPRA Secretariat, 35th EPRA meeting, Portoroz, 31 May - 1 June 2012.
Brussels (2011) - WG1: Product Placement - Summary
posted on
05 Oct, 2011
Summary of the discussions in working group 1 on product placement, prepared by working group coordinator, Johanna Fell, BLM (DE), 34th EPRA meeting: Brussels/la Hulpe, 5-7 October 2011
Ohrid - WG1: Product Placement - summary
posted on
25 May, 2011
Summary of the discussions by Johanna Fell, BLM (DE) of the working group on product placement, Ohrid (May 2011)
Belgrade - WG1: Product placement - summary
posted on
06 Oct, 2010
WG I > Product Placement, Summary of the discussion by Johanna Fell, BLM/DLM (DE) (Oct. 2010)
Barcelona (2010) - Plenary1: Product Placement - Background paper
posted on
12 May, 2010
Revised comparative Background document by E. Machet, EPRA Secretariat for the plenary session: AVMS Implementation: Product Placement, produced for the EPRA meeting in Barcelona (May 2010)
Sofia - WG1 Product Placement - Introduction
posted on
03 Oct, 2007
Introduction to the issues by EPRA Secretariat for the Working group on Product Placement: Implementation of the new Rules, 26th EPRA meeting: Sofia, Bulgaria, 3-5 October 2007
Barcelona - Plenary: Advertising - FCC (US)
posted on
18 Apr, 2001
Presentation by Jonathan Levy, Federal Communications Commission, USA , on Advertising, Market Forces, and Regulation, April 2001, Barcelona