Vienna - Presentation of Austrian media landcape by KommAustria
posted on
20 Oct, 2017
Presentation of Austrian media landcape by KommAustria Chairman Michael Ogris on the occasion of the 46th EPRA meeting on 11-13 October 2017 in Vienna.
Edinburgh - WG II: Licensing and Authorisation Procedures - Summary of the discussions
posted on
07 Jun, 2017
Summary of the discussions of the Working Group 2 on "Licensing and Authorisation Procedures" which convened on 18 May 2017 in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh - WG II: Licensing and Authorisation Procedures - Presentation (Gilles Fontaine, EAO)
posted on
22 May, 2017
Presentation by Gilles Fontaine, European Audiovisual Observatory, for Working Group 2 "Licensing and Authorisation Procedures" which convened on 18 May 2017 in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh - WG II: Licensing and Authorisation Procedures - Background document
posted on
12 May, 2017
Background document (EPRA/2017/04) for Working Group 2 "Licensing and Authorisation Procedures" which will convene on 18 May 2017 in Edinburgh.
Yerevan - WG I: Media In times of Crisis: the role of regulatory authorities - Comparative background document
posted on
11 Oct, 2016
Comparative background document (EPRA/2016/10) prepared by content producer Asja Roksa-Zubcevic, CRA (BA) for the discussion in Working group 1 "Media in times of crisis: The role of regulatory...
Nuremberg - Plenary 2: The Regulators' Toolkit to encourage diversity of sources and output - Presentation by Gilles Fontaine, European Audiovisual Observatory
posted on
02 Nov, 2015
Presentation by Gilles Fontaine, European Audiovisual Observatory for the Plenary session 2 entitled "The Regulators' Toolkit to encourage diversity of sources and output" which took place on 30...
Berne - Country report - LV
posted on
24 Apr, 2015
Country report submitted by the National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP) of Latvia for the 41st EPRA meeting in Berne (May 2015).
Portoroz - WG1: Jurisdiction - Summary
posted on
04 Jul, 2012
Summary of the discussion of the working group on jurisdiction prepared by Maria Donde, WG Coordinator, Ofcom, UK, 35th EPRA meeting Portorož, 31 May 2012.
Portoroz - WG1: Jurisdiction - Introduction
posted on
11 Apr, 2012
Introduction paper and draft terms of reference for the 2012 EPRA Working Group 1 on Jurisdiction, prepared by group Coordinator Maria Donde, Ofcom (UK).
EPRA Annual Work programme 2012
posted on
13 Feb, 2012
The EPRA Board approved the final programme during its Executive Board meeting which took place on 6 February 2012 in Zagreb. The final programme reflects the views expressed by members during the...