Bratislava - Plenary Session 2: Political Communication & the Challenges of Social Media: the role of regulators - Introduction
posted on
04 Oct, 2018
Introduction EPRA/2018/13 by Francesca Pellicanò, Content Producer, for the Plenary Session 2 on "Political Communication & the Challenges of Social Media: the role of regulators" on 12 October...
Luxembourg - Plenary 2: Political Communication & the Challenges of Social Media - Keynote by Damian Tambini, LSE
posted on
08 Jun, 2018
Keynote by Damian Tambini, London School of Economics (LSE) for the Plenary Session 2: Political Communication & the Challenges of Social Media on 25 May 2018 in Luxembourg
Luxembourg - EPRA Board Election - Official list of candidates
posted on
07 May, 2018
Official list of candidates in view of the election to a vacant position of Vice-Chairperson in the EPRA Executive Board which will take place on 24 May 2018 in Luxembourg
EPRA's Work Programme 2018
posted on
16 Feb, 2018
This Annual Work Programme (final version, as of 29/03/2018), which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2018, has been drafted by assembling member authorities’ suggestions...
EPRA Board Elections: Official list of candidates
posted on
21 Apr, 2017
Official list of candidates in view of the Elections of the EPRA Executive Board which will take place on 19 May 2017 in Edinburgh
Dublin - WG2: Political Pluralism - Background Document
posted on
29 Oct, 2008
Comparative background paper: EPRA/2008/11 by the EPRA Secretariat for the working group Media and Political Pluralism, 28th EPRA Meeting, Oct. 2008
Elsinore - Plenary 1: Political Advertising - Background document
posted on
17 May, 2006
Background Paper: EPRA/2006/02 by the EPRA Secretariat for the plenary session on "Political Advertising: Case Studies and Monitoring", 23rd EPRA meeting: Elsinore, Denmark, 17-19 May 2006
Ljubljana - WG2: Political Advertising - Background Document
posted on
24 Oct, 2002
Comparative Background Document (EPRA/2002/09) on Political Advertising, prepared by the Secretariat for Working Group 2 at the 16th EPRA Meeting, Ljubljana, 24-25 October 2002.
Paris - Political Communication on Television - May 2000
posted on
25 May, 2000
Background document prepared by the Secretariat on Political Communication on Television (EPRA/2000/02) for the 11th EPRA meeting: Paris, France, 25-26 May 2000