

Gender equality and broadcasting: EPRA publishes comparative Report
posted on 18 September, 2018   (public)
Promoting greater gender representation and portrayal on- and off-screen: the role of audiovisual regulators Today, 18 September 2018, EPRA formally presented a comparative report entitled "Achieving Greater Diversity in Broadcasting - special focus on Gender; benefits...
Vice-Chair Election: Maria Donde joins EPRA Board
posted on 04 June, 2018   (public)
EPRA Executive Board finally complete Elections to a vacant position of Vice Chairperson in the EPRA Executive Board took place during the 47th EPRA meeting in Luxembourg on 24 May 2018. The Assembly of members of EPRA unanimously elected Maria Donde, Head of International...
Executive Board adopts EPRA's new Work Programme
posted on 19 February, 2018   (public)
An exciting programme for 2018 under the sign of Continuity, Coherence and Relevance   The Annual Work Programme, which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2018, has been drafted by assembling member authorities’ suggestions collected further...


EPRA meets in Yerevan for its 44th Meeting
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 17 October, 2016   (public)
EPRA meets in Yerevan for its 44th Meeting The 44th EPRA Meeting in Yerevan is starting on 19 October 2016. During two days, 126 representatives of 42 regulatory authorities from 40 countries and other media experts will discuss the current issues of audiovisual media...
Last chance to comment on EPRA's draft three-year organisational Strategy
posted on 04 July, 2016   (public)
Last chance to comment on EPRA's draft three-year organisational Strategy On 7 June, EPRA's Executive Board launched a Consultation with members and stakeholders on a draft three-year organisational Strategy for EPRA. The deadline for submitting responses is...
The grey areas between media regulation and data protection - Outcome of second joint OBS/EPRA Workshop
posted on 08 February, 2016   (public)
The grey areas between media regulation and data protection - Outcome of second joint OBS/EPRA Workshop                 ©Elena Sotirova As part of their long-lasting collaboration, the European Audiovisual Observatory (OBS) and...

Regulation News

Sweden: Press Subsidies Council becomes part of the Broadcasting Authority
posted on 15 June, 2015   (public)
Sweden: Press Subsidies Council becomes part of the Broadcasting Authority As of 1 July, the Press Subsidies Council (Presstödsnämnden) will cease to exist as a separate agency and its functions transferred to the Swedish Broadcasting Authority (Myndigheten...
A modified structure for the French CSA
posted on 08 June, 2015   (public)
A modified structure for the French CSA Echoing the far-reaching changes of the media environment and as a consequence of its new duties on public service broadcasting and economic regulation introduced by the Law of 15 November 2013, the French regulator CSA announced a...
Ofcom looks back at 10 years Adults’ media use
posted on 26 May, 2015   (public)
Ofcom looks back at 10 years Adults’ media use Ofcom published, in May 2015, its Adults’ media use and attitudes Report 2015. The Report provides data on adults' (aged 16 and over) media use and attitudes across TV, radio, games, mobile and the internet, with...