
Executive Board adopts EPRA's new Work Programme

posted on 25 February, 2019   (public)

An practically-oriented, relevant and forward-looking programme for 2019

The Annual Work Programme, which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2019, has been drafted by assembling member authorities’ suggestions collected further to a call for topics and by reflecting key findings originating from deliverables of the 2018 Work Programme.

Further to a consultation phase, the Executive Board approved the final Work Programme on 1 February in Munich.

The two plenary meetings will take place on 29-31 May 2019 in Sarajevo (hosted by the Communications Regulatory Agency) and on 23-25 October 2019 in Athens (hosted by the National Council for Radio and Television).

  • You have comments and suggestions on this Work Programme?

  • You would wish to contribute as a speaker, panellist or content producer?

Please contact the Secretariat:

In 2019, EPRA will foster interactive and practically-oriented discussions on issues of relevance for its members while encouraging regulators to think transversally and to look ahead for adapting to a rapidly-changing environment.

  • We will examine how two core regulatory objectives for audiovisual regulators, namely protecting vulnerable audiences and ensuring a sustainable ecosystem for European content, can be enforced in an online world by discussing best practices concerning the PROTECTION OF MINORS and EUROPEAN WORKS.
  • We will raise the awareness of regulators on emerging technological issues and market changes with sessions on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & MACHINE LEARNING and on SPORTS' RIGHTS.
  • In 2019, we also aim to reflect KEY FINDINGS OF PAST MEETINGS, with a session structure taking into account the importance of a reinforced dialogue with stakeholders, the need for stronger cooperation with other regulatory authorities, and the appetite of our members for interactive discussion formats and open debates.

Against this background, the plenary themes are:

  • “Protecting minors in the online world: focus on evidence of harm and access control tools” (Plenary 1) and;
  • “Sports’ rights” (Plenary 2 - spring) and “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” (Plenary 2 – autumn).

The  working groups will focus on:

  • “Media Literacy” (WG1) and
  • “European Works and Prominence” (WG2).

The ad hoc groups will focus on:

  • Hate Speech” (In Sarajevo in May)
  • Update on Accessibility of TV and On Demand Programme Services” (in Athens in October) .

Source: EPRA Secretariat

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