
EPRA meets in Yerevan for its 44th Meeting

by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 17 October, 2016   (public)

EPRA meets in Yerevan for its 44th Meeting

The 44th EPRA Meeting in Yerevan is starting on 19 October 2016. During two days, 126 representatives of 42 regulatory authorities from 40 countries and other media experts will discuss the current issues of audiovisual media regulation in Europe and exchange on issues of common interest.

This years plenary sessions will revolve around the perspectives and business models of free-to-air content provision in Europe and the policies, strategies and methods of the NRAs to enforce the regulation in a new media environment.

Three parallel working groups will discuss the following issues:

Working Group I: Media in times of crisis: The role of regulatory authorities
Working Group II: Case study on Editorial vs. Advertising Content
Working Group III: Spotlight on Audiovisual Platforms

The EPRA Secretariat

Attached Documents

Yerevan - Agenda (yerevan_en_draft.pdf)
posted on 22 July, 2016

