

Gender equality and broadcasting: EPRA publishes comparative Report
posted on 18 September, 2018   (public)
Promoting greater gender representation and portrayal on- and off-screen: the role of audiovisual regulators Today, 18 September 2018, EPRA formally presented a comparative report entitled "Achieving Greater Diversity in Broadcasting - special focus on Gender; benefits...
Vice-Chair Election: Maria Donde joins EPRA Board
posted on 04 June, 2018   (public)
EPRA Executive Board finally complete Elections to a vacant position of Vice Chairperson in the EPRA Executive Board took place during the 47th EPRA meeting in Luxembourg on 24 May 2018. The Assembly of members of EPRA unanimously elected Maria Donde, Head of International...
Executive Board adopts EPRA's new Work Programme
posted on 19 February, 2018   (public)
An exciting programme for 2018 under the sign of Continuity, Coherence and Relevance   The Annual Work Programme, which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2018, has been drafted by assembling member authorities’ suggestions collected further...


Researching media literacy: EPRA Media Literacy Taskforce issues guidance
posted on 09 September, 2019   (public)
Media Literacy being an ever-changing process that requires constant reflection and adaptations, it is crucial that those interested in media literacy regularly conduct research into the subject  Following the work of the EPRA Media Literacy Taskforce...
EPRA meets in Sarajevo to address key challenges for audiovisual regulation
posted on 27 May, 2019   (public)
Online harms a key focus on the agenda of EPRA´s 49th meeting The detailed Agenda for the 49th EPRA meeting, which will take place on 29-31 May in Sarajevo, is now available. This closed event, hosted by CRA, the converged regulatory authority in Bosnia Herzegovina, will...
EPRA publishes comparative paper on public service content in the digital age: the role of regulators
posted on 02 April, 2019   (public)
Paper highlights trend towards reinforced powers of independent NRAs with regard to the assessment of PSM performance On 2 April 2019, EPRA published the final version of a comparative background document titled "Public service and public interest content in the...

Regulation News

Serbian REM issues Recommendation on the use of subtitles and sign language
posted on 26 February, 2015   (public)
Serbian REM issues Recommendation on the use of subtitles and sign language The Council of the Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media (REM) in Serbia, on the occasion of its meeting held on 9 February 2015, issued a Recommendation on how to use subtitles and sign language...
Digital radio & small stations: Ofcom announces trials of small scale DAB
posted on 24 February, 2015   (public)
Digital radio & small stations: Ofcom announces trials of small scale DAB On 24 February 2015, Ofcom has confirmed plans for trials of a new technology that could provide small radio stations across the UK with an affordable way to broadcast on DAB digital radio....
Independent application of INDIREG ranking tool in Albania
posted on 17 February, 2015   (public)
Independent application of INDIREG ranking tool in Albania Responding to a request by the Speaker of the Assembly of Albania, the Council of Europe Secretary General had requested assistance for an assessment of the independence and efficient functioning of the Albanian...