
Document list

59th EPRA meeting - thematic session 1: "Media Literacy & Elections, what works?" - Introductory paper
posted on 24 May, 2024   (public)
Introductory paper prepared by the EPRA Secretariat for the thematic session 1: "Media Literacy & Elections, what works?", 59th EPRA meeting in Rotterdam (Final, post-meeting version of 20/08/2024...
58th EPRA meeting - Plenary 2: The future of content delivery - Background document
posted on 16 Oct, 2023   (public)
Background document prepared by Jordan Ogg (Ofcom- UK) and Michal Hradický (CMS - SK) for Plenary 2: The future of content delivery (final post-meeting version)
58th EPRA meeting - Plenary 1: Media & information for the public good - Background document
posted on 12 Oct, 2023   (public)
Background document prepared by the EPRA Secretariat for Plenary 1: Media & information for the public good - A trustworthy media market for the public good (final post-meeting version)
57th EPRA meeting in Oslo - Thematic session 1: the future of content delivery - background document
posted on 25 May, 2023   (public)
Background document by Jordan Ogg and James Stinson, Ofcom, for the Thematic session 1: "the future of content delivery" on 1 June 2023 in Oslo (post-meeting final version of 10 October 2023). The...
57th EPRA meeting in Oslo - Thematic session 2: Public Service Media for the public good - background document & summary
posted on 24 May, 2023   (public)
Background document prepared by the EPRA Secretariat for the Plenary thematic session 2: "Public Service Media for the public good", on 2 June 2023 in Oslo. This document is the post-meeting final...
Autumn session 2022 - Thematic session 1: Disinformation, plurality and trust - Background paper
posted on 07 Oct, 2022   (public)
Background document to thematic session 1 - "Dis/misinformation, plurality and trust - understanding the evidence to design better interventions" by the EPRA Secretariat for the 56th EPRA meeting...
55th EPRA meeting (Antwerp) - Thematic session on minors and advertising - Background document and summary
posted on 05 May, 2022   (public)
Background document and summary of the thematic session on "Minors & Advertising, Connecting the dots between research, policy and regulation and implementation" prepared by the EPRA Secretariat....
54th EPRA meeting - Cross-sectoral cooperation: Background paper
posted on 13 Oct, 2021   (public)
Background paper by Beth McNulty (Ofcom, UK) and the EPRA Secretariat for the plenary thematic session on the cross-sectoral cooperation between regulators on 14 October 2021 (Final post-meeting...
53rd EPRA meeting - Thematic meeting on hate speech - Background paper
posted on 17 May, 2021   (public)
Background paper EPRA/2021/03 by the EPRA Secretariat for the thematic EPRA session "Living with hate speech: from apprehending to combatting" on 21 May 2021 from 12:00 to 14:30 CET - Final,...
Great expectations: The changing paradigm of media regulators - Top tips on embracing change
posted on 08 Dec, 2020   (public)
Top tips on embracing change from the EPRA webinar on 'Great expectations: the changing paradigm of media regulators' held on 30 October 2020.
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