

EPRA Work Programme 2022 adopted
posted on 07 February, 2022   (public)
Less topics, more depth and a flexible, cooperative approach The Executive Board approved EPRA's Work Programme for 2022 on 28 January. The endorsement took place after a round of consultation with EPRA members and integrates the input collected from the...
EPRA and the University of Vienna's Comms Policy Collaborative launch their partnership initiative
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 02 February, 2022   (public)
EPRA and CPC to build strong connection between researchers and regulators The European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) and the Comms Policy Collaborative (CPC) in the Department of Communications at the University of Vienna, are excited to announce their new...
EPRA Elections: Ľuboš Kukliš is new chairperson; Peter Matzneller and Stephanie Comey join the executive board
posted on 20 May, 2021   (public)
A brand new Executive Board for EPRA Elections of the entire EPRA Executive Board took place during the online plenary meeting of the 53rd EPRA meeting on 20 May 2021.   The Assembly of EPRA members unanimously elected Ľuboš Kukliš, Chief Executive at the ...


Research & Regulators: a comparative overview
posted on 15 July, 2015   (public)
Research & Regulators: a Comparative Overview A comparative overview paper on Research and Regulators has been published on the EPRA website on 13 July 2015. This final output document, authored by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS (SI), is based on the outcome of...
The Protection of minors in a converged media environment: Free-to-download IRIS plus Report
posted on 11 June, 2015   (public)
The Protection of minors in a converged media environment: Free-to-download IRIS plus Report The European Audiovisual Observatory has just published an IRIS plus Report on the Protection of minors in a converged media environment as a free-to-download PDF. After some...
Monitoring Media Pluralism - an exercise in futility?
posted on 10 June, 2015   (public)
Monitoring Media Pluralism - an exercise in futility? How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media in Europe that is financially viable and offers a plurality and diversity of content was at the centre of the debates at the 41st EPRA Meeting which took place in Berne on...

Regulation News

CoE launches Freedom of expression Website
posted on 24 February, 2016   (public)
CoE launches Freedom of expression Website The Media and Internet governance Division of the Council of Europe has  launched its new Freedom of expression website on 23 February 2016. The new site brings together previously separated websites (Media, Internet...
Incitement to hatred: Croatian AEM temporarily suspends local TV licence
posted on 11 February, 2016   (public)
Incitement to hatred: Croatian AEM temporarily suspends local TV licence On 22 January 2016, the Council of the Electronic Media Agency, the Croatian broadcasting regulator, temporarily suspended the license of the Zagreb-based local television channel Z1 televizija d.o.o....
Council of Europe issues network neutrality guidelines to protect freedom of expression and privacy
posted on 22 January, 2016   (public)
Council of Europe issues network neutrality guidelines to protect freedom of expression and privacy The Council of Europe called on European states to safeguard the principle of network neutrality in the development of national legal frameworks in order to ensure the...