posted on
14 March, 2016
New members for the Council of the AEM in Montenegro
Further to a recent decision of the Parliament, three new members were recently appointed in the Agency for Electronic Media of Montenegro for terms of five years at a time.
The Agency for Electronic Media is an independent broadcasting media services regulatory body acting pursuant to the Electronic Media Law of 6 August 2010 .
The Council of the Agency for Electronic Media has five members, one of whom is elected as the Chairman of the Council. Candidates for the Council members are designated by:
Commercial broadcaster associations for a five-year term of office;
University of Montenegro, five-year term of office;
Non-governmental organisations dealing with human rights and freedoms, five-year term of office;
The Montenegrin Centre for Poets, Essayists and Novelists (PEN), four-year term of office;
Non-governmental organisations dealing with the media, four-year term of office.
The new AEM Council is thus composed as follows:
Mladen Lompar, President (replacing Ranko Vujovic)
Darko Ivanović, Member
Saša Knežević, Member
The remaining two members of the Council are yet to be appointed.
An updated version of the Regulator’s profile of the Agency for Electronic Media incorporating the recent changes is now available in English on the EPRA website.
"Regulator's Profiles" are based on a template and provide basic information on the structure, composition, remit and powers of regulatory authority’s member of the EPRA.
Source: EPRA Secretariat