Nuremberg - Plenary 2: The Regulators' Toolkit to encourage diversity of sources and output - Introduction
posted on
22 Oct, 2015
Introductory Document EPRA/2015/13 prepared by Ciarán Kissane, BAI (IE) for the Plenary session 2 entitled "The Regulators' Toolkit to encourage diversity of sources and output" which will take...
Berne - WG3: Research & Regulators - Final output document
posted on
13 Jul, 2015
Final output document (EPRA/2015/05c) by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS (SI), based on the outcome of the discussion in the Working group "Research & regulators: Towards an evidence-based approach"...
Berne - Plenary 2: How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media content - Background Paper (full version)
posted on
05 Jun, 2015
Background paper, by Marie McGonagle, entitled "Monitoring Media Pluralism - an exercise in futility?" for Plenary session 2: "How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media...
Berne - WG1: Public Service Content in a Multiplatform Environment - Summary of Discussion
posted on
04 Jun, 2015
Summary by WG1 rapporteur Maja Cappello, European Audiovisual Observatory of the discussion that took place in the Working group 1: "Public Service Content in a Multiplatform Environment" on 14 May...
Berne - WG2: Audiovisual Commercial Communication, Trends & Challenges - Summary of discussion
posted on
21 May, 2015
Detailed summary by WG2 rapporteur Johanna Fell, BLM (DE) of the discussion that took place in the Working group 2: "Audiovisual Commercial Communication, Trends & Challenges - Focus on...
Berne - Plenary 2: How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media content - Presentation by Marie McGonagle
posted on
18 May, 2015
PowerPoint presentation by Marie McGonagle, NUI Galway, for Plenary session 2: "How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media content", which took place at the 41st EPRA meeting...
Berne - Plenary 2: How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media content - Background Paper (summary)
posted on
08 May, 2015
Summary of background paper, by Marie McGonagle, "Monitoring Media Pluralism - an exercise in futility?" for Plenary session 2: "How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media...
Berne - Plenary 1: How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media content in Europe - Background document
posted on
06 May, 2015
Background Document (EPRA/2015/02) prepared by Maria Donde, Ofcom (UK) for the Plenary session 1: "How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media content in Europe - Focus on Consumption &...
Berne - WG2: Audiovisual Commercial Communication, Trends & Challenges - Comparative Background document
posted on
06 May, 2015
Comparative background document (EPRA/2015/04) by WG2 Coordinator Kerstin Lange, LFK (DE) for the Working group 2: "Audiovisual Commercial Communication, Trends & Challenges - Focus on Advertising"...
Tbilisi - Plenary 2: Ensuring Diversity and Inclusion - Presentation by Mònica Duran Ruiz, CAC (ES)
posted on
10 Oct, 2014
Presentation by Mònica Duran Ruiz, Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (ES) for the Plenary session 2 on Ensuring Diversity and Inclusion in the Media which took place on 8-10 October 2014 in Tbilisi....