Portoroz - WG1: Jurisdiction - Summary
posted on
04 Jul, 2012
Summary of the discussion of the working group on jurisdiction prepared by Maria Donde, WG Coordinator, Ofcom, UK, 35th EPRA meeting Portorož, 31 May 2012.
Portoroz - Plenary 1: New Services and Scope: "What’s in, What’s out Revisited" - Paper
posted on
29 Jun, 2012
Comparative Background paper (EPRA/2012/02a) prepared by Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretariat for the Plenary session: "New Services and Scope: What’s in, What’s out Revisited", 35th EPRA Meeting,...
Portoroz - Plenary 2: The Future of Commercial Communications - Presentation by Ross Biggam
posted on
04 Jun, 2012
Presentation by Ross Biggam, Director General of ACT, for the Plenary session 2: The Future of Commercial Communications: Market and Regulatory Developments, 35th EPRA meeting, Portorož, 1 June,...
Portoroz - Plenary 2: The Future of Commercial Communications - Introduction
posted on
24 May, 2012
Introductory document to session 2 on the Future of Commercial Communications by Maria Donde, Ofcom (UK) and the EPRA Secretariat, 35th EPRA meeting, Portoroz, 31 May - 1 June 2012.
Portoroz - WG3: News & Current Affairs: Regulatory Approaches - Background Document
posted on
23 May, 2012
Background Document (EPRA/2012/05) prepared by Maida Ćulahović, CRA, Bosnia and Herzegovina for the working group 3 News & Current Affairs: Regulatory Approaches, 35th EPRA Meeting, Portorož, 30...
Portoroz - WG1: Jurisdiction - Introduction
posted on
11 Apr, 2012
Introduction paper and draft terms of reference for the 2012 EPRA Working Group 1 on Jurisdiction, prepared by group Coordinator Maria Donde, Ofcom (UK).
Brussels (2011) - WG2: Digital TV - Presentation SE (public version)
posted on
14 Mar, 2012
Powerpoint presentation by Kerstin Morast, the Swedish Broadcasting Authority, on Digital TV: Regulation and Economic Viability presented during Working group 2 on Digital TV, Brussels (La Hulpe),...
Portoroz - WG2: Local and Community Media - Introduction
Bernard Dubuisson (CSA - BE)
posted on
12 Mar, 2012
This is the introduction paper (EPRA/2012/04) for the 2012 EPRA Working Group on Local and Community Media, prepared by Bernard Dubuisson of the Belgian CSA. Here's the presentation :
Brussels (2011) - Plenary 1: Jurisdiction & VOD - Presentation UK
posted on
05 Oct, 2011
Presentation by David Mahoney, Ofcom, UK for the Plenary Session 1 > Content Regulation and New Media: Jurisdiction Challenges in a VOD Environment, 34th EPRA Meeting: Brussels, 5-7 October 2011
Brussels (2011) - Plenary 2: Approaches to Monitoring - Presentation SE (PPT)
posted on
05 Oct, 2011
Presentation (Powerpoint) by Lottie-Ann Lindström, SBA, Sweden for Session 2 > Effective functioning of Regulatory Authorities: Approaches to Monitoring, 34th EPRA Meeting: Brussels, 5-7 October...