Vilnius - Plenary 1: Supervising VOD services - Presentation by ATVOD (UK)
posted on
04 Oct, 2013
Presentation by Cathy Taylor, ATVOD (UK) for the First Plenary Session on "Supervising VOD services: best practices and methodology", of 3 October 2013 in Vilnius.
Vilnius - Plenary session 2: Assessing Plurality in an Online World - Introduction
posted on
29 Sep, 2013
Introductory document (EPRA/2013/14) for the Plenary session 2 on "Assessing Plurality in an online environment" of 4 October 2013 in Vilnius. Final version with links to speakers' presentations of...
Kraków - WG3 Accessibility - Summary of the discussion
posted on
10 Jul, 2013
Summary of the discussion of the working group on accessibility which took place in May 2013 in Kraków for the 37th EPRA meeting.
Kraków - WG3 Accessibility - Comparative Document (final version)
posted on
09 Jul, 2013
Comparative Background Document (EPRA/2013/05) for the Working group 3 on Access to Audiovisual Media Services for persons with disabilities, prepared by Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretary, for the...
Kraków - Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment - Comparative Document (Final version)
posted on
24 Jun, 2013
Comparative Background Document (EPRA/2013/02b) for Plenary session 1 on The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment, prepared by Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretary for the 37th EPRA meeting...
Kraków - Presentation by Wolfgang Closs
posted on
15 May, 2013
Presentation by Wolfgang Closs, European Audiovisual Observatory, 37th EPRA meeting in Kraków (May 2013).
Kraków - WG3 Accessibility - Presentation by Mia Ahlgren
posted on
13 May, 2013
Presentation by Mia Ahlgren, European Disability Forum for the Working Group 3 on Access to Audiovisual Media Services for Persons with Disabilities, 37th EPRA meeting in Kraków (May 2013).
Kraków - WG2 Local and Community Media - Presentation by Guy Starkey
posted on
13 May, 2013
Presentation by Guy Starkey, University of Sunderland (UK) for the Working Group 2 on Local and Community Media, 37th EPRA meeting in Kraków (May 2013).
Kraków - WG1 Political Communication - Presentation by Simona Martorelli and Mirella Marchese
posted on
13 May, 2013
Presentation by Simona Martorelli, RAI and Mirella Marchese, Osservatorio di Pavia on monitoring Political Pluralism on the Italian Public Service Broadcaster, for the Working Group 1 on Political...
Kraków - Session 2: PSM in a Connected Environment - Presentation by Celene Craig
posted on
13 May, 2013
Presentation by Celene Craig, BAI (IE) for the Plenary Session 2: Public Service Media in a Connected Environment, 37th EPRA meeting in Kraków (May 2013).