
Document list

Berne - Plenary 2: How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media content - Presentation by Roger Loppacher i Crehuet, CAC (ES)
posted on 18 May, 2015   (public)
Presentation by Roger Loppacher i Crehuet, CAC (ES) for Plenary session 2: "How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media content", which took place at the 41st EPRA meeting on...
Tbilisi - WG1: Empowering users: Focus on Protection Tools - Presentation by Nuran Yardimci, RTÜK (TR)
posted on 17 Oct, 2014   (public)
Presentation by Nuran Yardimci, Expert at the Radio and Television Supreme Council - RTÜK (TR) for the Working group 1 on “Empowering users: Focus on Protection Tools", the 40th EPRA meeting in...
Tbilisi - WG1: Empowering users: Focus on Protection Tools - Presentation by Nienke Meester, CvdM (NL)
posted on 16 Oct, 2014   (public)
Presentation by Nienke Meester, CvdM (NL) for the Working group 1 on “Empowering users: Focus on Protection Tools", the 40th EPRA meeting in Tbilisi, 8-10 October 2014.
Tbilisi - Plenary 2: Ensuring Diversity and Inclusion - Presentation by Ciarán Kissane, BAI (IE)
posted on 10 Oct, 2014   (public)
Presentation by Ciarán Kissane, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (IE) for the Plenary session on Ensuring Diversity and Inclusion in the media which took place on 8-10 October 2014 in Tbilisi.
Tbilisi - Plenary 1: Future Models of Media Regulation - Presentation by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS (SI)
posted on 09 Oct, 2014   (public)
Final version of the Presentation by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS (SI) for the Plenary session 1: “Beyond the AVMS: Future Models of Media Regulation", which took place on 9 October 2014 on the...
Tbilisi - Plenary 1: Future Models of Media Regulation - Presentation by Bernardo Herman, CSA (BE)
posted on 09 Oct, 2014   (public)
Presentation by Bernardo Herman, CSA (BE) for the Plenary session 1: “Beyond the AVMS: Future Models of Media Regulation", which took place on 9 October 2014 on the occasion of the 40th EPRA...
Budva CoE workshop on Indicators for Independence of NRAs - Presentation by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS (SI)
posted on 19 Jun, 2014   (public)
"Independence of the audiovisual regulators: the perspective of a converged authority", presentation by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS, Slovenia, for the Council of Europe Project Regional Meeting...
Budva CoE workshop on Indicators for Independence of NRAs - Presentation by Irish BAI
posted on 18 Jun, 2014   (public)
Presentation by Michael O'Keeffe, CEO, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, on "Indicators for Independence of Regulatory Authorities: definition, practice and verification - Ireland Case study", for...
Budva - WG1: Media Literacy - Presentation by Ofcom (UK)
posted on 11 Jun, 2014   (public)
Presentation by Martina Chapman, Senior Research Manager at Ofcom (UK) entitled "Empowering users through media literacy: Ofcom's approach" for the Working Group 1: "Empowering Users: Focus on...
Budva - WG1: Media Literacy - Presentation by the RTUK (TR)
posted on 11 Jun, 2014   (public)
Presentation by Hüseyin DEMIRBILEK, Expert, International Relations Department, at the Turkish Supreme Council for Radio and Television (RTUK) entitled "Media Literacy, The Turkish Case" for the...
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