

EPRA Work Programme 2015 adopted
posted on 10 February, 2015   (public)
EPRA Work Programme 2015 adopted Further to a two-month consultation phase, the EPRA executive Board approved the final Work Programme on 30 January in Sarajevo. EPRA’s annual Work Programme aims to enhance transparency for members and external stakeholders of...
Media Literacy: an increasingly important duty for regulators - Update
posted on 08 September, 2014   (public)
Media  Literacy: an increasingly important duty for  regulators [Updated news item with a link to the Turkish presentation] During the 39th EPRA meeting in Budva (Montenegro), a working group entitled "Empowering Users: Focus on Media Literacy" met on 8...


Last chance to comment on EPRA's draft three-year organisational Strategy
posted on 04 July, 2016   (public)
Last chance to comment on EPRA's draft three-year organisational Strategy On 7 June, EPRA's Executive Board launched a Consultation with members and stakeholders on a draft three-year organisational Strategy for EPRA. The deadline for submitting responses is...
The grey areas between media regulation and data protection - Outcome of second joint OBS/EPRA Workshop
posted on 08 February, 2016   (public)
The grey areas between media regulation and data protection - Outcome of second joint OBS/EPRA Workshop                 ©Elena Sotirova As part of their long-lasting collaboration, the European Audiovisual Observatory (OBS) and...
Research & Regulators: a comparative overview
posted on 15 July, 2015   (public)
Research & Regulators: a Comparative Overview A comparative overview paper on Research and Regulators has been published on the EPRA website on 13 July 2015. This final output document, authored by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS (SI), is based on the outcome of...

Regulation News

MPM 2023: Media Pluralism Monitor published
posted on 06 July, 2023   (public)
This year's overall results show a continuity with previous mappings despite an increase of the risk associated with market plurality        The Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a project co-funded by the European Union and...
Reuters Digital News Report 2023: a declining engagement and an uncertain business environment
posted on 04 July, 2023   (public)
Online platforms: inevitable partners in the battle for attention? The 12th edition of the Reuters Digital News Report was released on 21 June 2023. It covers 6 continents and 46 markets and emphasises the complex platforms environment and the shift in behaviour...
Arcom (FR): Summary of the public consultation on researchers' access to platform data
posted on 29 June, 2023   (public)
New data access mechanisms are required to tackle inconsistencies, ensure transparency and secure sensitive data    In May 2022, Arcom launched a public consultation on access to data from online platforms for research purposes. The French...