

EPRA's Work Programme for 2016 adopted
posted on 12 February, 2016   (public)
EPRA's Work Programme for 2016 adopted   Further to a large consultation, the EPRA Executive Board approved the final Work Programme on 4 February in Zagreb. EPRA’s annual WP aims to enhance transparency for members and external stakeholders of EPRA’s...
EPRA meets in Nuremberg to discuss the future of the digital media ecosystem
posted on 10 November, 2015   (public)
EPRA meets in Nuremberg to discuss the future of the digital media ecosystem The 42nd EPRA meeting took place in Nuremberg, Germany, from 28 to 30 October 2015 at the joint invitation of the German regulators. On this occasion, about 150 delegates representing the totality...
EPRA Autumn Meeting changes location
posted on 16 July, 2015   (public)
EPRA Autumn Meeting changes location Due to force majeure circumstances, out of the control of our colleagues of the National Broadcasting Council of Romania, the CNA has asked to reschedule its hosting of the EPRA meeting for autumn 2017; the EPRA Board has agreed to this...


Media regulatory authorities and the challenges of cooperation - IRIS Plus report, co-authored by EPRA
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 24 March, 2022   (public)
Key ingredients for evidence-based, future-proof regulation include structured coordination between NRAs at the national and European level, in-depth research, and enough resources in terms of funding, staffing and tools On 8 February 2022, the European Audiovisual...
54th EPRA meeting - "Cross-sectoral cooperation between regulators": summary of discussion
posted on 06 December, 2021   (public)
Cross-sectoral cooperation: a necessary learning-by-doing process for a coherent and efficient regulation of the online sphere   On 14 October 2021, as part of its 54th biannual meeting, EPRA organised an online session entitled "Cross-sectoral...
53rd EPRA meeting – "Living with hate speech": summary of discussion
posted on 27 August, 2021   (public)
What is hate speech? What is its impact? How to deal with it? Learn from key experts and find out about regulators' initiatives to tackle hate speech   On 21 May 2021, as part of its 53rd biannual meeting, EPRA organised an online session entitled "Living...

Regulation News

Media Plurality - Ofcom consults on measurement framework
posted on 16 March, 2015   (public)
Media Plurality - Ofcom consults on measurement framework On 11 March 2015, Ofcom published a consultation on a proposed measurement framework for media plurality, as the second part of a two-step process which will lead to set out proposals for indicators to be included in...
Digital radio: switchover in Norway soon to be concluded
posted on 12 March, 2015   (public)
Digital Radio: switchover in Norway soon to be concluded Two reports on the radio digital switchover have recently been published and have been presented to the Norwegian Ministry of Culture. The report from the Norwegian Media Authority (NMA) of 27 February 2015 contains...
Serbian REM issues Recommendation on the use of subtitles and sign language
posted on 26 February, 2015   (public)
Serbian REM issues Recommendation on the use of subtitles and sign language The Council of the Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media (REM) in Serbia, on the occasion of its meeting held on 9 February 2015, issued a Recommendation on how to use subtitles and sign language...