

EPRA's Work Programme for 2016 adopted
posted on 12 February, 2016   (public)
EPRA's Work Programme for 2016 adopted   Further to a large consultation, the EPRA Executive Board approved the final Work Programme on 4 February in Zagreb. EPRA’s annual WP aims to enhance transparency for members and external stakeholders of EPRA’s...
EPRA meets in Nuremberg to discuss the future of the digital media ecosystem
posted on 10 November, 2015   (public)
EPRA meets in Nuremberg to discuss the future of the digital media ecosystem The 42nd EPRA meeting took place in Nuremberg, Germany, from 28 to 30 October 2015 at the joint invitation of the German regulators. On this occasion, about 150 delegates representing the totality...
EPRA Autumn Meeting changes location
posted on 16 July, 2015   (public)
EPRA Autumn Meeting changes location Due to force majeure circumstances, out of the control of our colleagues of the National Broadcasting Council of Romania, the CNA has asked to reschedule its hosting of the EPRA meeting for autumn 2017; the EPRA Board has agreed to this...


EPRA Edinburgh: Detailed Agenda & Speaker Line-up
posted on 10 May, 2017   (public)
EPRA Edinburgh: Detailed Agenda & Speaker Line-up   The final detailed Agenda for the 45th EPRA meeting, which will take place on 17-19 May in Edinburgh is now available. The conference, hosted by Ofcom, the convergent communications regulator in the UK, will gather...
EPRA Website - Technical update
posted on 06 March, 2017   (public)
EPRA Website - Technical update You  may have noticed that the EPRA Website looks a little bit different today. The reason for this is a technical update of our Web Application (Ruby on Rails). After 5 years, some technical features were not supported any more and had to...
EPRA Chairperson's Report for 2016
posted on 06 February, 2017   (public)
EPRA Chairperson's Report for 2016 The meeting of the EPRA Executive Board on 27 January 2017 in Brussels was the occasion to adopt the EPRA Annual Work Programme, which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2017.  It also provided an...

Regulation News

New members for the Council of the AEM in Montenegro
posted on 14 March, 2016   (public)
New members for the Council of the AEM in Montenegro Further to a recent decision of the Parliament, three new members were recently appointed in the Agency for Electronic Media of Montenegro for terms of five years at a time. The Agency for Electronic Media is an...
AVMSD REFIT: Background research published
posted on 10 March, 2016   (public)
AVMSD REFIT: Background research published The European Commission (DG CONNECT) has published, on 4 March 2016, several studies it had commissioned in order to prepare the revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). The main topics which are subject to...
Product Placement - Landmark German decision in "Pickup" case
posted on 07 March, 2016   (public)
Product Placement - Landmark German decision in "Pick up" case The Lower Saxony media regulator NLM objected to the product placement of the "Leibniz Pick up" chocolate biscuit made in 2014 in a sequence of the TV series "Ich bin ein Star –...