

EPRA's Statement of Strategy adopted in Yerevan
posted on 02 November, 2016   (public)
EPRA's Statement of Strategy adopted in Yerevan At the 44th EPRA Meeting which took place in Yerevan, Armenia, on 20-21 October 2016, the Assembly of EPRA members unanimously adopted the first Statement of Strategy for EPRA covering the period 2017-2019.    ...
EPRA consults on a draft three-year organisational Strategy
posted on 08 June, 2016   (public)
EPRA consults on a draft three-year organisational Strategy As announced by EPRA Chairperson Celene Craig during the 43rd EPRA Meeting in Barcelona, the Executive Board is launching today a Consultation with members and stakeholders on a draft three-year organisational...
EPRA back in Barcelona to discuss future challenges and best practices
posted on 06 June, 2016   (public)
EPRA back in Barcelona to discuss future challenges and best practices Photo courtesy of CAC©   EPRA was back to Barcelona for its 43rd meeting which took place from 25 to 27 May 2016 at the invitation of the Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC). About 175 delegates...


EPRA and the University of Vienna's Comms Policy Collaborative reap the first benefits from their partnership initiative
posted on 13 September, 2022   (public)
Building strong connections between researchers and regulators for an effective and sustainable regulation The European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) and the Comms Policy Collaborative (CPC) in the Department of Communications at the University of...
New EPRA papers on "Minors & advertising" and "Regulation of hate speech on VSP"
posted on 01 September, 2022   (public)
As a result of in-depth exchanges between experts and audiovisual regulators, EPRA publishes papers on two topical issues: Regulating hate speech on VSPs and Protecting minors from harmful online advertising   Based on the idea that a better understanding of the...
At long last! EPRA convenes in Antwerp for 55th meeting
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 05 May, 2022   (public)
EPRA meets in Antwerp for the first time in two years to address emerging regulatory challenges and cooperation The final version of the detailed Agenda for the 55th EPRA meeting, which will take place on 11-13 May 2022 in Antwerp, is now available. This closed...

Regulation News

Online gambling advertising: Agcom (IT) adopts heavy penalties on Google and Top Ads Ltd
posted on 01 September, 2022   (public)
Agcom issues heavy penalties on the video-sharing platform YouTube with a "notice and take down" order for 625 illegal content and, for the first time, a "notice and stay down" order for prohibited gambling advertising of similar...
Promoting an evidence-based approach: French Regulator Arcom issues call for papers ahead of research seminar
posted on 29 August, 2022   (public)
Deadline for applications is 11 September Arcom, the French Authority for the regulation of audiovisual and digital communication, is organising its first research seminar on 17 November 2022 in Paris, with several thematic sessions moderated by guest participants or members...
Media Pluralism Monitor 2022: confirmation of the trends observed in recent years
posted on 24 August, 2022   (public)
The Media Pluralism Monitor 2022: growing threats against journalists, high level of media concentration and the issue of political advertising online The Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a project co-founded by the European Union and developed since 2014 by the Centre for...