posted on
02 November, 2016
EPRA's Statement of Strategy adopted in Yerevan

At the 44th EPRA Meeting which took place in Yerevan, Armenia, on 20-21 October 2016, the Assembly of EPRA members unanimously adopted the first Statement of Strategy for EPRA covering the period 2017-2019.
Setting a strategy for EPRA is of key importance as it:
Sets the direction and scope of EPRA's work and acts as a high level plan;
Is useful in conditions of uncertainty;
Helps EPRA to stay focused and relevant.
Drafting a Strategy at this precise moment in time offers the opportunity for EPRA to:
Reaffirm its core purpose and delineate our role and relevance going forward;
Provide clarify on its direction and priorities;
Be responsive and agile to changes in a dynamic and evolving external environment;
Articulate the challenges for its members and for itself as an organisation over the next three years.
Process and time-line:
The purpose and the main outline of the draft Strategy were presented in Barcelona on 27 May 2016.
On 7 June, a Consultation with members and stakeholders on a draft 3-year organisational Strategy was launched.
On 8 July 2016, the Executive Board met in London to consider the consultation responses.
Having debated the feedback received, the Board prepared amendments to the final draft of the statement for consideration and ratification at the upcoming EPRA meeting. The amended document was circulated to the EPRA membership, one month before the Yerevan meeting, so as to enable an informed, transparent and fruitful debate.
On 21 October 2016, the Assembly of members unanimously adopted the first Statement of Strategy for EPRA.
Next steps:
A three-year EPRA Work Programme will now be prepared to give practical effect to the strategic goals and objectives.
Source: EPRA Secretariat