

EPRA's Statement of Strategy adopted in Yerevan
posted on 02 November, 2016   (public)
EPRA's Statement of Strategy adopted in Yerevan At the 44th EPRA Meeting which took place in Yerevan, Armenia, on 20-21 October 2016, the Assembly of EPRA members unanimously adopted the first Statement of Strategy for EPRA covering the period 2017-2019.    ...
EPRA consults on a draft three-year organisational Strategy
posted on 08 June, 2016   (public)
EPRA consults on a draft three-year organisational Strategy As announced by EPRA Chairperson Celene Craig during the 43rd EPRA Meeting in Barcelona, the Executive Board is launching today a Consultation with members and stakeholders on a draft three-year organisational...
EPRA back in Barcelona to discuss future challenges and best practices
posted on 06 June, 2016   (public)
EPRA back in Barcelona to discuss future challenges and best practices Photo courtesy of CAC©   EPRA was back to Barcelona for its 43rd meeting which took place from 25 to 27 May 2016 at the invitation of the Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC). About 175 delegates...


EPRA convenes in Bucharest for 58th meeting
posted on 10 October, 2023   (public)
Adapting to the future of content delivery and supporting a trustworthy media market are key themes on EPRA's agenda   The 58th EPRA meeting is taking place on 18 - 20 October 2023 in Bucharest. This closed event, hosted by the Romanian National...
Algorithm literacy: key messages from the EMIL/AI roundtable event (EPRA)
posted on 19 June, 2023   (public)
Exploring the facets of algorithm literacy: video recording and summary of the EMIL/AI roundtable session now available! In 2021, EPRA launched two permanent taskforces to further explore two key topics of interest for audiovisual regulators: media literacy and...
EPRA convenes in Oslo for 57th meeting
posted on 30 May, 2023   (public)
Securing public interest content in the digital age will be a key discussion focus  The 57th EPRA meeting is taking place on 31 May-2 June 2023 in Oslo. This closed event, hosted by the Norwegian Media Authority, will gather about 160 delegates representing...

Regulation News

Gender-based violence: Belgian CSA launches code to tackle sexist commercial communications
posted on 19 October, 2022   (public)
A co-regulatory tool to fight gender-based harms  [NEW] Updated version with link to English version of the code of conduct The Advisory Board* of the Belgian Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel (CSA) adopted on 14 July 2022 a "Code of conduct on...
Amma Asante is the new chair of the Dutch Commissariaat voor de Media
posted on 14 September, 2022   (public)
Appointed by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science – Gunay Uslu – Amma Asante succeeds Renate Eringa-Wensing – currently interim chair - as the Chairperson of the Dutch media regulator, the Commissariaat voor de...
European works quotas on on-demand services in the UK: Ofcom releases guidance
posted on 08 September, 2022   (public)
European works quotas and prominence: new guidance in line with the European Commission's guidelines   Since the transposition of the AVMS Directive in UK law on 1 November 2020 – required under the terms of the EU Withdrawal Agreement –, European works...