

EPRA consults on a draft three-year organisational Strategy
posted on 08 June, 2016   (public)
EPRA consults on a draft three-year organisational Strategy As announced by EPRA Chairperson Celene Craig during the 43rd EPRA Meeting in Barcelona, the Executive Board is launching today a Consultation with members and stakeholders on a draft three-year organisational...
EPRA back in Barcelona to discuss future challenges and best practices
posted on 06 June, 2016   (public)
EPRA back in Barcelona to discuss future challenges and best practices Photo courtesy of CAC©   EPRA was back to Barcelona for its 43rd meeting which took place from 25 to 27 May 2016 at the invitation of the Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC). About 175 delegates...
EPRA's Work Programme for 2016 adopted
posted on 12 February, 2016   (public)
EPRA's Work Programme for 2016 adopted   Further to a large consultation, the EPRA Executive Board approved the final Work Programme on 4 February in Zagreb. EPRA’s annual WP aims to enhance transparency for members and external stakeholders of EPRA’s...


Planning Media Literacy campaigns - EPRA Media Literacy Taskforce issues guidance
posted on 10 December, 2019   (public)
It is going to take longer than you think! On 19 November, the EPRA Media Literacy Taskforce issued its latest set of practical guidelines: "top tips" on planning Media Literacy campaigns.  There are plenty of examples of successful and impactful media...
EPRA meets in Athens
posted on 21 October, 2019   (public)
EPRA meets in Athens to address emerging regulatory challenges and cooperation The detailed Agenda for the 50th EPRA meeting, which will take place on 23-25 October 2019 in Athens, is now available. This closed event, hosted by the NCRT, the audiovisual...
Researching media literacy: EPRA Media Literacy Taskforce issues guidance
posted on 09 September, 2019   (public)
Media Literacy being an ever-changing process that requires constant reflection and adaptations, it is crucial that those interested in media literacy regularly conduct research into the subject  Following the work of the EPRA Media Literacy Taskforce...

Regulation News

UK: The Online Safety Act is now law; Ofcom’s powers as online safety regulator have officially commenced
posted on 03 November, 2023   (public)
Ofcom publishes implementation roadmap outlining its systemic approach News item updated with link to consultation on illegal harms On 26 October 2023, the Online Safety Bill, which aims to establish a new regulatory regime to address illegal and harmful content...
Ofcom (UK): call for evidence on the future of TV distribution
posted on 25 October, 2023   (public)
A call for evidence to better understand the impact of internet and how to adapt broadband networks Internet has changed the ways users watch TV programmes, creating a wide range of content but a more fragmented experience. The UK Government has asked the regulator Ofcom to...
IMC (XK*): new chairman
posted on 11 September, 2023   (public)
Jeton Mehmeti was elected Chairman of the Independent Media Commission from Kosovo* Former member of the Independent Media Commission that he joined in 2022, Jeton Mehmeti was elected Chairman on 7 June 2023 for a two-year mandate. With a long experience in media as a...