

EPRA Work Programme 2021 adopted
posted on 08 February, 2021   (public)
A flexible approach reflecting EPRA's priorities and strategic objectives Further to a consultation phase with members, the Executive Board has approved EPRA’s Annual Work Programme for 2021 at its meeting on 28 January 2021. EPRA's Work Programme for 2021 was...
EPRA Elections: Helena Mandić becomes chairperson; Mari Velsand joins re-elected executive board
posted on 03 June, 2019   (public)
Continuity and change on EPRA's Executive Board Elections of the entire EPRA Executive Board took place during the 49th EPRA meeting in Sarajevo on 31 May 2019. The Assembly of EPRA members unanimously elected Helena Mandić, Director of Broadcasting at the Communications...
Executive Board adopts EPRA's new Work Programme
posted on 25 February, 2019   (public)
An practically-oriented, relevant and forward-looking programme for 2019 The Annual Work Programme, which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2019, has been drafted by assembling member authorities’ suggestions collected further to a call for...


EPRA Edinburgh: Detailed Agenda & Speaker Line-up
posted on 10 May, 2017   (public)
EPRA Edinburgh: Detailed Agenda & Speaker Line-up   The final detailed Agenda for the 45th EPRA meeting, which will take place on 17-19 May in Edinburgh is now available. The conference, hosted by Ofcom, the convergent communications regulator in the UK, will gather...
EPRA Website - Technical update
posted on 06 March, 2017   (public)
EPRA Website - Technical update You  may have noticed that the EPRA Website looks a little bit different today. The reason for this is a technical update of our Web Application (Ruby on Rails). After 5 years, some technical features were not supported any more and had to...
EPRA Chairperson's Report for 2016
posted on 06 February, 2017   (public)
EPRA Chairperson's Report for 2016 The meeting of the EPRA Executive Board on 27 January 2017 in Brussels was the occasion to adopt the EPRA Annual Work Programme, which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2017.  It also provided an...

Regulation News

Television Access Services: Ofcom's final report for 2015
posted on 08 April, 2016   (public)
Television Access Services: Ofcom's final report for 2015 Under the Communications Act 2003, television broadcasters are required to deliver a certain proportion of their programmes with subtitles, signing and audio description to ensure those with hearing and visual...
French administrative court overrules CSA's decision to withdraw Numéro 23 licence
posted on 06 April, 2016   (public)
French administrative court overrules CSA's decision to withdraw Numéro 23 licence On 30 March 2016, the French "Conseil d'Etat" (the highest administrative jurisdiction in France) decided to invalidate the sanction imposed by the French CSA (Conseil...
Archiving Community Media online: CMDS report highlights best practices
posted on 05 April, 2016   (public)
Archiving Community Media online: CMDS Report highlights best practices The Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS) has issued a research report, authored by Joost van Beek with contributions from Kate Coyer, which explores some of the challenges, obstacles, opportunities...