posted on
03 June, 2019
Continuity and change on EPRA's Executive Board

Elections of the entire EPRA Executive Board took place during the 49th EPRA meeting in Sarajevo on 31 May 2019.
The Assembly of EPRA members unanimously elected Helena Mandić, Director of Broadcasting at the Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and former Vice-Chairperson, as the Chairperson.
Helena has already been EPRA Chairperson from May 2014 to May 2015. She replaces Celene Craig, Deputy Chief Executive at the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, who leaves the Board after five years of involvement, the last four years as the Chairperson.
Helena Mandić will be assisted in her tasks by four Vice-Chairpersons:
Mari came from the media business, where she for more than 20 years held different management positions. She has been a part of the top management team at NRK (the Norwegian public broadcasting company), Chief Editor of the national newspaper Nationen and Executive Vice President at Amedia, the second largest media company in Norway.
She has also over the years held a number of board positions within the Norwegian media industry, and she has been Norway’s representative in the board of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN IFRA). Since 2017, she is the Director General of the Norwegian Media Authority.

The Board is part of a 3-tier structure. The Secretariat is in charge of the operative aspects and the day-to-day functioning of the network, the Board is the steering and strategic body and the Assembly of Members is EPRA´s ultimate decision-making body.
The Board is composed of one Chairperson and up to four Vice-Chairpersons. Board Members are elected as individuals and do not represent their respective authorities. Board members serve as volunteers without any compensation. The Board is elected for a two-year (renewable) mandate.
Board members embrace the values enshrined in EPRA´s Statement of Strategy, in particular, independence, transparency and accountability.
The Board is expected to agree the Strategy and Work Plan for EPRA.
The EPRA Board works in a collegiate manner, spreading the tasks between its members.
More information about the Members of the EPRA Executive Board
Source: EPRA Secretariat