

EPRA Work Programme 2022 adopted
posted on 07 February, 2022   (public)
Less topics, more depth and a flexible, cooperative approach The Executive Board approved EPRA's Work Programme for 2022 on 28 January. The endorsement took place after a round of consultation with EPRA members and integrates the input collected from the...
EPRA and the University of Vienna's Comms Policy Collaborative launch their partnership initiative
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 02 February, 2022   (public)
EPRA and CPC to build strong connection between researchers and regulators The European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) and the Comms Policy Collaborative (CPC) in the Department of Communications at the University of Vienna, are excited to announce their new...
EPRA Elections: Ľuboš Kukliš is new chairperson; Peter Matzneller and Stephanie Comey join the executive board
posted on 20 May, 2021   (public)
A brand new Executive Board for EPRA Elections of the entire EPRA Executive Board took place during the online plenary meeting of the 53rd EPRA meeting on 20 May 2021.   The Assembly of EPRA members unanimously elected Ľuboš Kukliš, Chief Executive at the ...


Maria Donde elected Chair of the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Media Environment and Reform (MSI-REF)
posted on 06 October, 2020   (public)
Social networks, election communication and public interest content are key issues on the agenda of MSI-REF On 23-24 September 2020, the Committee of Experts on Media Environment and Reform (MSI-REF) of the Council of Europe held its first meeting to discuss and exchange on...
EPRA consults on revised three-year Strategy
posted on 30 July, 2020   (public)
Have your say on EPRA's revised Strategy for the next three years The Executive Board is opening a new consultation on a revised three-year Strategy document. The pandemic of Covid-19 that struck in March this year has brought an unprecedented crisis with long-lasting...
Media plurality in the age of algorithms: first EPRA podcast released
posted on 09 July, 2020   (public)
What is media plurality, and what are the conditions and risks for media plurality in the age of algorithms? Be sure to tune in to this timely conversation with key experts     As was announced last week, the EPRA team has replaced the planned panel...

Regulation News

Ofcom revises signing arrangements for low audience channels
posted on 19 May, 2015   (public)
Ofcom revises signing arrangements for low audience channels Ofcom has revised the arrangements for signing on domestic TV channels in the UK with an audience share between 0.05% and 1%. Ofcom’s decisions take account of responses to the consultation published in July...
2015 Guide of Digital Channels in France
posted on 28 April, 2015   (public)
2015 Guide of Digital Channels in France The thirteenth edition of the Guide on Digital Channels was published in April 2015 by the French regulator CSA, the DGMIC (Directorate General of Media and Cultural Industries of the Ministry of Culture and Communication), CNC...
Towards a sustainable Swiss media ecosystem - Federal Council's report highlights potential support measures
posted on 07 April, 2015   (public)
Towards a sustainable Swiss media ecosystem - Federal Council's report highlights potential support measures In a report entitled "Ensuring the political and democratic functions of the media", published in December 2014, the Federal Council (the Swiss...