


Media literacy networks: watch the EPRA online roundtables
posted on 04 November, 2020   (public)
From the creation to the evaluation of a media literacy network: catch up with the EPRA online roundtables   In the course of September and October, EPRA conducted a series of online roundtable meetings entitled 'Media Literacy networks: Learning from each other...
Maria Donde elected Chair of the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Media Environment and Reform (MSI-REF)
posted on 06 October, 2020   (public)
Social networks, election communication and public interest content are key issues on the agenda of MSI-REF On 23-24 September 2020, the Committee of Experts on Media Environment and Reform (MSI-REF) of the Council of Europe held its first meeting to discuss and exchange on...
EPRA consults on revised three-year Strategy
posted on 30 July, 2020   (public)
Have your say on EPRA's revised Strategy for the next three years The Executive Board is opening a new consultation on a revised three-year Strategy document. The pandemic of Covid-19 that struck in March this year has brought an unprecedented crisis with long-lasting...

Regulation News

Media Plurality - Ofcom consults on measurement framework
posted on 16 March, 2015   (public)
Media Plurality - Ofcom consults on measurement framework On 11 March 2015, Ofcom published a consultation on a proposed measurement framework for media plurality, as the second part of a two-step process which will lead to set out proposals for indicators to be included in...
Digital radio: switchover in Norway soon to be concluded
posted on 12 March, 2015   (public)
Digital Radio: switchover in Norway soon to be concluded Two reports on the radio digital switchover have recently been published and have been presented to the Norwegian Ministry of Culture. The report from the Norwegian Media Authority (NMA) of 27 February 2015 contains...
Serbian REM issues Recommendation on the use of subtitles and sign language
posted on 26 February, 2015   (public)
Serbian REM issues Recommendation on the use of subtitles and sign language The Council of the Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media (REM) in Serbia, on the occasion of its meeting held on 9 February 2015, issued a Recommendation on how to use subtitles and sign language...