

Executive Board adopts EPRA's new Work Programme
posted on 25 February, 2019   (public)
An practically-oriented, relevant and forward-looking programme for 2019 The Annual Work Programme, which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2019, has been drafted by assembling member authorities’ suggestions collected further to a call for...
Gender equality and broadcasting: EPRA publishes comparative Report
posted on 18 September, 2018   (public)
Promoting greater gender representation and portrayal on- and off-screen: the role of audiovisual regulators Today, 18 September 2018, EPRA formally presented a comparative report entitled "Achieving Greater Diversity in Broadcasting - special focus on Gender; benefits...
Vice-Chair Election: Maria Donde joins EPRA Board
posted on 04 June, 2018   (public)
EPRA Executive Board finally complete Elections to a vacant position of Vice Chairperson in the EPRA Executive Board took place during the 47th EPRA meeting in Luxembourg on 24 May 2018. The Assembly of members of EPRA unanimously elected Maria Donde, Head of International...


Regulation News

Protection of minors and self-regulation in Poland: KRRiT issues monitoring report
posted on 06 May, 2021   (public)
Self-regulatory system is deemed effective to protect children A recent analysis conducted by the National Broadcasting Council of Poland, the KRRiT, confirmed the effectiveness of the self-regulation system developed by media service providers, industry associations and the...
Regulators and cooperation: spotlight on the French toolkit for citizens in the digital age
posted on 20 April, 2021   (public)
"Does freedom of expression have limits? How to delete a picture on social networks? Who is responsible in case of cyber-harassment? What role do the media have to play in terms of equality?"   Here are some of the key questions addressed in this first...
VSP Regulation: Ofcom launches second round of consultation on harm
posted on 07 April, 2021   (public)
Video-sharing platforms and harmful content: how to protect users against harmful content? From 1 November 2020, video-sharing platforms (VSPs) are required to take appropriate measures to protect the general public from “relevant harmful material” and the minors...