

EPRA adopts Work Programme for 2024
posted on 12 February, 2024   (public)
Key societal challenges will feature prominently on EPRA's agenda     The Executive Board adopted EPRA's Work Programme for 2024 on 24 January. The endorsement took place after a round of consultation with EPRA members and is based on...
A brand new Board for EPRA
posted on 05 June, 2023   (public)
Continuity and change to help EPRA fulfill its mission  From left to right: Valentin-Alexandru Jucan; Stephanie Comey; Mari Velsand; Maria Donde; Stanislav Matějka   Photo © Ketil Blom Elections of the entire EPRA Executive...
EPRA Work Programme 2023 adopted
posted on 06 February, 2023   (public)
The future of media & regulation in the spotlight The Executive Board approved EPRA's Work Programme for 2023 on 25 January. The endorsement took place after a round of consultation with EPRA members and integrates the input collected from the membership...


Media regulatory authorities and the challenges of cooperation - IRIS Plus report, co-authored by EPRA
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 24 March, 2022   (public)
Key ingredients for evidence-based, future-proof regulation include structured coordination between NRAs at the national and European level, in-depth research, and enough resources in terms of funding, staffing and tools On 8 February 2022, the European Audiovisual...
54th EPRA meeting - "Cross-sectoral cooperation between regulators": summary of discussion
posted on 06 December, 2021   (public)
Cross-sectoral cooperation: a necessary learning-by-doing process for a coherent and efficient regulation of the online sphere   On 14 October 2021, as part of its 54th biannual meeting, EPRA organised an online session entitled "Cross-sectoral...
53rd EPRA meeting – "Living with hate speech": summary of discussion
posted on 27 August, 2021   (public)
What is hate speech? What is its impact? How to deal with it? Learn from key experts and find out about regulators' initiatives to tackle hate speech   On 21 May 2021, as part of its 53rd biannual meeting, EPRA organised an online session entitled "Living...

Regulation News

Digital radio & small stations: Ofcom announces trials of small scale DAB
posted on 24 February, 2015   (public)
Digital radio & small stations: Ofcom announces trials of small scale DAB On 24 February 2015, Ofcom has confirmed plans for trials of a new technology that could provide small radio stations across the UK with an affordable way to broadcast on DAB digital radio....
Independent application of INDIREG ranking tool in Albania
posted on 17 February, 2015   (public)
Independent application of INDIREG ranking tool in Albania Responding to a request by the Speaker of the Assembly of Albania, the Council of Europe Secretary General had requested assistance for an assessment of the independence and efficient functioning of the Albanian...
French CSA publishes a new study on catch-up TV
posted on 16 February, 2015   (public)
French CSA publishes a new study on catch-up TV On 13 February 2015 the French Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) published a new study on catch-up TV in France entitled: "La télévision de rattrapage : une pratique installée, une...