posted on
03 June, 2021
EPRA Vice-Chair Maria Donde highlights the key role of MIL networks and media regulators’ efforts to support such networks and stresses the importance of MIL mapping
one is talking about media competence. Who takes responsibility?” was the title of a conference organised on 19-21 April 2021 by COMMIT, the Community Media Institute for Continuing Education, Research and Consultancy, an institution at the interface between non-commercial broadcasting, adult education and research in Austria.
The conference offered an opportunity for international exchange and policy learning: renowned experts presented the MIL concept developed by the UNESCO, the concept of Critical Media Literacy as well as experiences and strategies of various national MIL networks. Together, they developed the basis for establishing a MIL network in Austria. EPRA Vice-Chairperson Maria Donde was invited to share EPRA’s experience on media literacy and report on the latest developments of EMIL, the EPRA Media Literacy Taskforce as “a network of MIL networks”.
Key points of her presentation include:
The increased significance of MIL for NRAs: research conducted by EPRA over the years show an increased relevance of MIL for media regulators especially in connection with the online space - even though the interpretation of the MIL concept is diverse. MIL is also complementary to the “traditional” missions of regulators.
Networks & alliances are key: another EPRA research finding is that coordination is lacking, and that networks & alliances are key. This led to the creation of an EPRA MIL Taskforce in 2018. In 2021, EPRA consolidated its taskforce (renamed as EMIL) and opened it to other non-regulatory organisations active in the field of media literacy such as the Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) and national MIL networks.
Carrying MIL mapping is helpful: even though MIL mappings can be resource intensive, they help identify gaps, highlight existing duplication and build relationships. They are thus particularly helpful as a first step before establishing a national MIL network. An updated European mapping exercise would also be a very welcome initiative.
VSPs should do more to promote Media Literacy: a recent report of the EPRA MIL Taskforce highlighted the benefits of a systematic and transparent approach to MIL for video-sharing platforms as well as the need for multi-stakeholders networks.
Source: COMMIT/EPRA Secretariat