Big Stories on the Small Screen is a new initiative, funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland and Screen Training Ireland, focused on developing Irish skills in quality long-form screen drama.
Big Stories will support Irish-resident screenwriters, producers and directors who want to develop the essential skills necessary to craft a successful drama series for the international market. The BAI is supporting this initiative through its Sectoral Learning and Development Fund.
It brings together some of the most eminent screen storytellers from across the world to work with Irish screen professionals. The initiative fosters the creative collaboration essential to developing successful long-form drama; participants learn skills in collaborative storytelling alongside skills in story analysis and script development.
Big Stories comprises two distinct modules and spans a twelve month period.
Applications to attend Module Two will be accepted from 30 November 2015 via the Screen Training Ireland website. Irish-resident Screenwriters, Creative Producers and Directors are invited to apply to Big Stories on the Small Screen. Teams or individuals may apply.