
Irish BAI launches 2016 Media Research Funding Scheme

by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 31 August, 2016   (public)

Irish BAI launches 2016 Media Research Funding Scheme

On August 30, 2016, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) gave details about its new 2016 Media Research Funding Scheme, dedicated to short-time research projects dealing with themes currently-relevant for the Irish audiovisual sector.

The BAI has provided a non-exhaustive list of themes they consider to be of importance, which includes gender in the media, broadcast media and society and the Irish language in broadcasting. More generally, themes related to their strategic goals for the current period of time are likely to qualify for the grant.

BAI Chief Executive Michael O’Keeffe justified the raise in funding (to 50,000€) by underlining the importance of research funded by the BAI both in guiding and planning their regulatory work. With this fund, the objective is to get third level institutions to take a more important part in the regulatory landscape and strengthen their relations with the BAI and other actors of the broadcasting sector.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 14 October 2016.

The BAI has a key role in developing and supporting the broadcasting sector in Ireland. There is currently a range of funding supports and initiatives in place, through which the BAI fulfils this role, such as Sound & Vision 3, a funding scheme for TV and radio that provides funding in support of high quality programmes on Irish culture, heritage and experience, and programmes to improve adult literacy, or The Archiving Scheme which provides funding support for the development of an archiving culture in the broadcasting sector which will contribute to the preservation of Ireland’s broadcasting heritage.

Source: Website of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland


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