On 22 October 2012, the Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE), an international non-profit organisation which provides a common platform for networks, national federations and projects active in the "third media" sector, unveiled the outcome of its mapping exercise of community radio and television in Europe.
The mapping is based on a survey targeting 49 countries which was circulated to regulatory authorities members of the EPRA and to national federations in 2012.
As of January 2012, there were 2237 community radio stations and 521 community television stations in Europe. Most stations are located in EU Member States, especially in France, Netherlands, Italy, United Kingdom, Denmark, Spain, Germany and Sweden. Only 122 radio and 9 television stations are located in countries outside the EU.
In 17 countries (including four non-EU countries) the community media sector is regulated in the media law and enjoys recognition as such. In some European countries, such as Austria, Denmark, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands, the community media sector is supported by government funding.
The CMFE Mapping & Rating workgroup will now proceed with the rating of each European country in order to enhance further development of community radio and television in all 49 European countries.
CMFE Press Release
Complete listing by country