
AVMSD REFIT: Background research published

posted on 10 March, 2016   (public)

AVMSD REFIT: Background research published

The European Commission (DG CONNECT) has published, on 4 March 2016, several studies it had commissioned in order to prepare the revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD).

The main topics which are subject to analysis in these reports are the protection of minors, the promotion of European works, the regulation of advertising in a digital context as well as trends in on-demand services in the European context. The reports are part of the process of assessment of the AVMSD under the Regulatory Fitness (REFIT).

The purpose of the studies is to contribute to the ex-post evaluation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) and the Impact Assessment accompanying the proposal for a future revision of the AVMSD. They have been commissioned to different partners of the European Commission and are all free to download.

The following studies are now available for download:

The study gives inter alia insight into the share of EU films in 75 transactional VoD catalogues in the 28 EU Member States (and 16 SVoD catalogues) and reveals that US films dominate in VOD catalogues, while EU films constitute less than a third of film offering. With regard to the visibility of films on on-demand platforms, the results (based on another set of data) show that while the European films share of promotional spots seems in line with their share of catalogues, the promotion only benefits to a very limited number of films.
The report on protection of minors in the EU28 looks specifically at the implementation approaches of the AVMS Directive with regard to classification systems; definitions of harmful content; tools and systems used by broadcasters and platform operators to support the protection of minors; and studies carried out in the field in the Member States.

Source: website of the European Commission