
AVMS scope: Recommendation of Belgian CSA

posted on 30 March, 2012   (public)

In order to ensure full legal certainty for market players - notably on the internet - with regard to legal provisions which may be applicable to them and with the view of providing a level playing field, the CSA of the French Community of Belgium adopted a recommendation on the scope of the regulation of audiovisual media services on 29 March 2012.

Further to the transposition of the AVMS Directive in the Coordinated Decree on audiovisual media services, the CSA had to issue a recommendation on the definition of an "audiovisual media service" (AVMS)  in order to determine the scope of its competence with regard to new audiovisual media services, such as web TV,  VOD services and web radios.

In order to come up with an interpretation of the seven constitutive criteria of the AVMS definition, the CSA has organised a public consultation and a seminar
open to all interested parties. The interpretation is also based on the preparatory work for the (Belgian) Coordinated Decree and on the recitals and the preparatory work for the AVMS Directive. The CSA also drew inspiration from the work of the European Audiovisual Observatory, the legislation of other European states and positions of other regulators members of EPRA (European Platform of Regulatory Authorities).

Recommendation on the scope of the regulation of audiovisual media services (French only)

Press release
(French only)

Source: Website of the CSA (Belgium)
