posted on
10 February, 2023
Recent appointments reinforce ARCOM's expertise in the French audiovisual sector

Further to a Decree of 6 February 2023, two new members have recently joined the Board of ARCOM (“Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique”) for a (non-renewable) mandate of six years:
Bénédicte Lesage, with a 30-year background in independent production, succeeds Jean-François Mary. She was designated by the President of the National Assembly.
Antoine Boilley, with a 20-year career at France Televisions, is replacing Carole Bienaimé Besse. He was designated by the President of the Senate.
Both members went through a hearing procedure at the respective cultural committees of the parliamentary chambers prior to their appointment.
The other current members of ARCOM are:
Roch-Olivier Maistre, designated by the President of the French Republic in 2019 (President)
Hervé Godechot, designated by the Senate in 2019
Juliette Théry, designated by the Senate in 2021
Benoît Loutrel, designated by the National Assembly in 2021
Anne Grand d’Esnon, designated by the National Assembly in 2021
Laurence Pécaut-Rivolier, designated by the Cour de Cassation (judiciary) in 2022
Denis Rapone, designated by the Conseil d’Etat (judiciary) in 2022

More information on ARCOM's governance:
The deliberations of the Board of Arcom are prepared in the framework of eight permanent thematic Working groups. Each Board member chairs a Working group and acts as Vice-Chair of a second group.
The Arcom Board ("collège") is composed of nine members, appointed by thirds every two years by five different authorities (from the executive, legislative and judiciary) for a single, non-revocable term of six years.
Arcom's members cannot be dismissed. They exercise their functions on a full-time basis. Their functions are incompatible with any elective office.
Source: ARCOM website