On 13 November 2018, the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) launched the Swiss Media Monitoring, an interactive Website which aims to document the degree of influence of the press, radio, TV and online media, on the formation of public opinion. The data collected also provide information on the ownership structures and business ties in the Swiss media market.
The Swiss Media Monitoring aims to provide an objective and systematic database for the yearly evaluation of the local media landscape based on nearly 170 media brands and nine media groups in national markets, markets specific to linguistic regions and 14 local regional markets.
The monitoring tool is based on data from three research modules. In the first, the researchers examined the role of the various media on individual opinion formation in the Swiss population using a representative survey. In the second, they analyzed data from baseline studies in the field of media research to determine the importance of different media for the public. In the third, the researchers established ownership and participation structures in the Swiss media market on the basis of annual reports, industry studies and continuous market observation. The results are presented in a constantly updated database, available in German, French and Italian
The analysis for 2017 reveals the following general trends: