
The grey areas between media regulation and data protection - Outcome of second joint OBS/EPRA Workshop

posted on 08 February, 2016   (public)

The grey areas between media regulation and data protection - Outcome of second joint OBS/EPRA Workshop







©Elena Sotirova

As part of their long-lasting collaboration, the European Audiovisual Observatory (OBS) and the EPRA jointly organised in Strasbourg on 11 December 2015 a workshop on "The grey areas between media regulation and data protection".

The first co-organised workshop entitled "Empowering users: rating systems, protection tools and media literacy across Europe" took place on 15 December 2014.

The concept of this small-scale joint event is to bring together experts, regulators, industry and representative of users for an interactive discussion on selected topics of interest.

15 December 2014

This new workshop allowed focus on media-related issues like pluralism and freedom of expression, and an exploration of some of the grey areas between media regulation and data protection.

It tackled these issues from four different angles:

  1. setting the scene and identifying the important interconnections between data protection and media regulation;
  2. the impact on freedom of expression;
  3. the impact on pluralism of information and editorial responsibility;
  4. the cooperation between the different stakeholders’: data protectors, media regulators, broadcasters, manufacturer and users.

EPRA Chair Celene Craig opened the meeting together with EAO's Director Susanne Nikoltchev. Representatives from seven EPRA members actively participated in the workshop.

Source: Observatory/EPRA