posted on
17 February, 2020
Provide knowledge, facilitate discussions and the sharing of best practices to help regulators understand and adapt to a rapidly-changing environment
Further to a consultation phase with members and external parties, the executive Board has approved EPRA's Annual Work Programme for 2020 at its meeting on 31 January 2020 in Munich.
In 2020, EPRA’s priority will be to provide knowledge, facilitate discussions and the sharing of best practices to help regulators understand and adapt to a rapidly-changing environment so that they can fulfil their daily missions in the best possible way.
- Understanding media markets and plurality to adapt regulation - and regulators - to the online age is a major theme throughout EPRA´s Work Programme in 2020 and the focus of the two plenary sessions and two of the working groups.
- This year the Board suggests six ad hoc working groups (three per meeting) with formats based on interactivity, aiming to produce concrete deliverables.
- Media Literacy remains an important issue in 2020, with plans to increase engagement around the MIL forum and to cement the network of contacts that has grown within EPRA.
At a glance:
The plenary themes are:
“Reconciling regulatory & market approaches”: understanding market trends (Antwerp, spring); the new paradigm of regulation (Rotterdam, autumn)
“Ensuring plurality in the age of algorithms”: New challenges to monitor pluralism and diversity (Antwerp, spring); Restoring trust: media literacy and quality content (Rotterdam, autumn).
The themes for the working groups are:
Gambling/betting advertising (Antwerp, spring)
Regulators and citizens (Antwerp, spring)
Teaching session: competition (Antwerp, spring)
Children’s content (Rotterdam, autumn)
AI & Regulators (Rotterdam, autumn)
Exploratory session: eSports and gaming (Rotterdam, autumn)
Other activities
Dedicated email-group: “AI & REGULATORS”
You have comments and suggestions on this work programme?
You would wish to contribute as a speaker, panellist or content producer?
Please contact the EPRA Secretariat