Dis/misinformation, plurality and trust are topical themes underpinning European media legislation. On 13 October 2022, on the occasion of the 56th EPRA meeting in Antalya (Türkiye), media regulators from all over Europe gathered to disentangle the complexity of the concepts, highlight the interplay between them and discuss the role that media regulators can play.
The first thematic plenary session addressed this key theme of the EPRA Work Programme 2022 under both an academic and practitioner's perspective.
The first part of the session shared the outcomes of recent studies and research to better understand the mechanisms behind information disorders and mistrust and their effects on plurality.
Speakers: Sophie Lecheler, Vienna University; Anthony Szynkaruk, Ofcom (UK); Václav Štětka, The Illiberal Turn - Loughborough University
The second part of the session invited a panel of regulators and experts to discuss effective solutions and interventions.
Panellists: Ali-Abbas Ali, Ofcom (UK); Frédéric Bokobza, Arcom (FR) & ERGA, Ľuboš Kukliš (former EPRA Chairperson/chair of the 2022 ERGA subgroup 3), Olaf Steenfadt, Global Media Registry.
Setting the scene/keynote: Dr. Kirsty Park, EDMO Ireland and DCU FuJo Institute (IE)
For further details, see the background document and summary of the session as well as the speakers' presentations