Dublin - WG2: Political Pluralism - Background Document
posted on
29 Oct, 2008
Comparative background paper: EPRA/2008/11 by the EPRA Secretariat for the working group Media and Political Pluralism, 28th EPRA Meeting, Oct. 2008
Elsinore - Plenary 1: Political Advertising - Background document
posted on
17 May, 2006
Background Paper: EPRA/2006/02 by the EPRA Secretariat for the plenary session on "Political Advertising: Case Studies and Monitoring", 23rd EPRA meeting: Elsinore, Denmark, 17-19 May 2006
Ljubljana - WG2: Political Advertising - Background Document
posted on
24 Oct, 2002
Comparative Background Document (EPRA/2002/09) on Political Advertising, prepared by the Secretariat for Working Group 2 at the 16th EPRA Meeting, Ljubljana, 24-25 October 2002.
Paris - Political Communication on Television - May 2000
posted on
25 May, 2000
Background document prepared by the Secretariat on Political Communication on Television (EPRA/2000/02) for the 11th EPRA meeting: Paris, France, 25-26 May 2000